SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

This is one of my biggest peeves in video game balance because in 9 out of 10 cases you just end up with weak tools.

Excellent post

I feel like most balance changes are decided based on whats going on internally with testers more than anything else, the rest is feed back from players/casuals. Maybe a 70/30 type deal.

I’m sure they also have a wider scope of tools, and characters they have to consider as well. But 9 times out of 10 if you have a internal tester that’s beasting with a character and every other testers is having problems or can’t deal with it… They probably reason the general pop will have problems as well, and vice versa. So if everyone is getting bopped by cammy/rashid/akuma and internally cammy/rashid/akuma isn’t winning that much more than the in house alex/fang/ed… you get what you get

Over all I think most of the changes depend on the testers and overall what the company intends for a character to do or not be able to do now.

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Yes and no.

When this goes bad you get stuff like season 3 Abigail, and you get the exact same response coming from the other end of the spectrum.

I don’t think there’s a winning of this battle for the developers a lot of the time.

What do you mean by S3 Abi?

Over buffed, he was given strong tools, but in the SFV ecosystem it was too much.

The strength of the tools is purely a relative thing.

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Nope I’m shilling fighting games not just SFV.

Thinking you won this HAHAHAHA!!!

Abi wasn’t overnerfed IMO, he invalidated the rest of the similar archetypes. His grab game was way better than Alex, his normals were way better than both of them and still are, his damage output and stun output took a shit on Alex, he had better conversions and still does tbh. Gief was basically removed from the game.

His post super oki was stupid, his hitboxes are still pretty dumb. He has to play a little bit more like a giant now instead of just facerolling but he’s still pretty dumb.


Abi was fair in season 2

Season 3 Abigail sounds like the average SFV Character.

Dumb with no skill needed to work.

I said over buffed, not nerfed.

This is really my point though, everyone talks of wanting strong tools but in a game not designed to handle them you get stuff like S3 abigail.

Another way to look at it. For many character V Trigger gives them those degenerate tools. Would you want to play a version of SFV where everyone was always in Vtrigger? From what I can see the strength of Vtrigger is one of the main complaints about the game.

I’m replying to the prior comment that Abi got overnerfed, not you bby

Never mind then.

Sorry for the confusion.

Though I would argue Abigail was nerfed improperly in season 4, he did need to be brought down a peg in many ways.

Yes I would because then these VT tools would be proper, unique character traits instead of being marginalized into poorly integrated comeback mechanics. Part of the reason VTs are degenerate is because the fight usually devolves into one person getting a real SF character with the other person still using a weak SFV character.

Ideally it would also require Capcom to address the power discrepancies between triggers since they would no longer be able hide behind the 2bar/3bar system or use its status as a comeback mechanic to justify their power. Also this change would presumably remove VTC’s, which are their own flavor of degeneracy.


I mean, that’s a fair point, and a problem I agree with. But most of the Vtriggers are disgned to be too-much. I think you would be disappointed with an all Vtrigger all the time game because the triggers just outright ignore facets of the game.

As a note, I think the core problem with triggers isn’t that they are powerful, but that there is no cost to using them. They are tied to the revenge meter, so you will always get it and using it gives up… v-reverse? If Vtrigger were something closer to an alternate super it would be much better.

Last thread I purposed that V trigger gauges should start full. A slight change like that would massive change the game and probably for the better.

Round 1 Figh…
Aegis Reflector!
Aegis Reflector!
Aegis Reflector!
Aegis Reflector!
Aegis Reflector!
Aegis Reflector!
Aegis Reflector!


yeah that is a terrible idea

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High IQ footsies

That would be interesting, but I wonder how many games would get closed out right off the bat.

You could do it like BB (or to a lesser extend MvC3 or BB). Where you get a charge that refills over time. And the less health you have the longer it lasts. However that doesn’t work so well with the utility/single use triggers.

I think alternate super with differing gauge costs would be best. For example, Karin Rekka could be one bar, while Abi would be 3.

Fuck, A3 the shit out of this game.

Would be hilarious if the v-meter maintained between rounds too.


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