SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Imagine going to Evo to compete in a side event

From the smash reddit.

Think that encapsulates really well the differences between Evo for the community it serviced and smashers.


Neutral is about the only place I feel comfortable. Not saying I’m great at it, but I have no grasp of SFV pressure game really, and the result is me mostly just flipping coins… which I hate.

Also, because I played a bunch of randoms last night (and am salty):
-fuck Blanka
-fuck cross ups in the corner
-fuck half the normals in this game being garbage

Cross post from discord

fk i think ive been baited D:

Will we be seeing things like this at Evo I hope so

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Playmore did pachino, SNK is not under Playmore anymore

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Yeah the one upside of playing Laura for as long as I did is that I feel more comfortable with up close pressure in this game. Of course with her amazing normals I didn’t get much practice in neutral but I’d honestly probably still be shitty at that anyways with any char I’d played up until now; only just recently is any of that stuff starting to click.

To address your salt points:

  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes and, only half? :upside_down_face:

No DBFZ on Sunday? Did they already announced that stuff?

I hear that UNIST is a great game, but the inclusion of such a niche-but-popular game makes me suspect that DoA6 originally had the spot and then lost it over the core values debacle.

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Naw, there are good normals in this game. Last night I was just becoming very aware of the fact that most lows don’t lead to anything… at least without gambling an unsafe confirm…

I don’t know, if Tekken and Soul Calibur were already in, then I doubt DOA was gonna make it.

Unist scene has been working hard at growing themselves and promoting their game. There used to be a time when Evo would say that if your community did the work, you got in.

Welp, this is the Melty Blood of the modern era and it just bodied Melee.



Feel bad for DOA…now they’re back to being less of a porn game since they caved into censorship (and still aint in evo)
Also Namco made the right choice :^)

People hang too many emotions on being a featured game anyway. Can always get a side tournament slot and put the work in.

Oh wait, I mean “community championship” slot /eyeroll

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I think fighters have reached a boiling point for what they offer currently to the casual players and viewers.

I don’t see fighters growing anymore with the current batch of fighters we have out, if Dragon ball fighterz wasn’t enough to flip the scene on its head then nothing will be outside of street fighter or a vs game.

Mortal kombat and Tekken will always sell well, as will smash.

But I think in order for a big BOOM to happen in fighters capcom is a necessary evil. A newage version of 3s that really puts life into sf characters again and was “fun” a bit “loose” and focused on telling a cohesive story would do wonders for fighters and SF in general.

Same with a Vs game.

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If I were to try and add life/personality into street fighter, the number one thing on my list would be to add back in matchup specific intro/outro with voiced dialog.


Melee salt is flippin’ Delicious. Peeps losing their damn minds. Especially with the fact UNIST is in! Lmao shit is hilarious.


Robot loli laser Guile confirmed best girl. Throw those diamonds at those fools.

Seriously, Vatista is so damn fun to play. I think she’s the only time I’ve mained a charge character in any game.


What kind of sea change in fighting game popularity do people even want? Shit is already underway to becoming the next pro tennis. Is it really failing if it doesn’t become the next NFL/World Cup?

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Back to SF2-days when it was all people ever played, I guess?

FGC is bigger than it has ever been before and still growing. We aren’t in a damn downfall lol.

The lows thing is something I’m starting to appreciate more as time goes on. This discussion has gone around here a few times already but if you don’t have a safe move off of cr.MK, your options are one-hit confirms, unsafe sweeps, or pestering.

Laura has cr.MK xx LP Bolt which isn’t anything amazing but you don’t know what you got 'till its gone.


If capcom went through there fighter history and took one thing from each game they made and put it in a new one they would have an amazing game. Just visually and auditory

match up specific intros
hitting after the match
taunts that added an effect
Music that sounds like older games (jazzy with more bass and vocals)
A disk ( or Mode or day one dlc nowadays ) ala rival schools with story and side mission and mini games

Special outro’s
More win and lose quotes specific to characters they have history with or are fight with.

Over all better animation and attention to details in movement. ( They do a decent job of this in season 3) But things like clothes an hair need to move and flap around in the wind…stuff like that.