SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Smashers support their games. DoA players support Beach Volleyball at home.

Seriously, the DoA scene: 1) Sucks ass at showing up and 2) Is always on some scrubquotes shit.

Fuck’em TBH.


Maybe most iconic. ArcSys and Bandai are basically hand in hand now and their flagship anime title I would say is more so DBFZ at this point in time. Still competitive game and can easily get more casual money from it.

It’s not like they’ve always given a shit about that before. AKA launch of USFIV where players were given 2 months at best to prepare for a full update to the game that would be forced played at Evo. Even with how adept people were at the game for how complicated it was, it was obvious things were happening that probably wouldn’t have happened with another year exposure.

SFxT and other games have gotten in with not much time to really show the best version of the game competitively. That’s a very minute issue for Evo staff.

I’m actually hyped for the new Sam but I just need to see my boi in it, outside of that teaser pic I need MORE

And he’s not an edgelord, just really cool


He has an attitude, obvs edgelord

He also needs that ass

edit: I can’t type and someone please tell me this is a bad translation

BDFZ is not part of ArcRevo, Bamco gets all the glory for it

Ultra wasn’t a new game, they were already playing Super, in modern gaming it would be a balance patch with new DLC.

my half assed attempt at memeing


Even then there are other evidences of them not giving a shit regardless and 2014 Ultra still has the point of looking a bit sloppy due to not everyone knowing the new game notes/systems.


How did you get banned on Steam, Cipher. I thought you were only obnoxious over here in SRK.


No doa? If it was really for the core values, I am going to write mean comments. Other than that, I like this list. Guilty Gear is a bummer but expected. Under Night was a nice surprise, an awesome game no one is playing. Hope that changes. And Samurai Shodown looks sick. I just want a year where I am not wanting to buy every fighting game.


that fucking reaction had me in stitches :joy::ok_hand:

How strange/rude to leave out Vega, but keep Sagat.

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Metaphor skillz over 9000. :roll_eyes:

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Based old man Pertho screaming at the new kids

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Not really worried about that. SF4 AE came out like a month before EVO and added a bunch of new characters and ended up being one of the hypest evo’s of all time. BBTAG came out 1-2 months before EVO last year.


Does anyone here play Fang at like a master level or higher? I need sever help with that MU

That Smash player was actually describing 3rd Strike.