SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Young Zeku is the one that really destroys me. I can’t react to full screen run gimmicks at all.

I was definitely focusing more on what I was doing wrong rather than right in those sets. I dropped so many combos and missed a ton of punishes. I’ll need to re-watch those matches with a clear mind to see what I was doing right, then practice all the things I was missing too.

More than anything I really want to improve my neutral game, but I lack patience and get easily frustrated. I get tagged by two or three pokes and I just start jumping like a lunatic.


-General Controller Settings
-Look at the bottom
-You see “Detected Controllers”
-Click it and then click “Define Layout”
Pretty straight forward after that. Confingure “DPAD” for your stick. At least that’s what I had to do. Then go back into SFV and check your buttins.


Yeah but it means absolutely nothing if they can’t put together competent netcode. Their netcode history isn’t just bad, they made terrible netplay an art form. And SamSho doesn’t have KoF’s brand recognition (at least not in this day and age). If they don’t get it down it’s not gonna be a good look for the EVO numbers unless they start selling shirts again.

Holy shit melee gets bodied, Twitter full of salt and the GOAT MK coming! Whoo I’m hittin’ up this evo.

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My take on the Evo lineup.

Typical deal. NRS game gets in, Capcom game gets in. Tekken is in ok.

Samurai Shodown is shill in for game that has no real community or reviews on its gameplay or netcode yet, but whatever one less Smash.

Melee is out. Even though I personally preferred “watching” Melee because it was basically 1v1 crack, it’s still Smash so fuck it. The newer Smashes are too slow for me and I don’t really like much anything Smash or Nintendo as it is.

That’s all I got.

That’s how he always talks. He’s honestly done better since he’s lost a bit of weight. Only thing is Father Time making him look slightly older, but he’s doing good otherwise to me.

Regarding the Evo line-up. i like it! Its got a representative from all the major style/companies.

I’m a little sad to see Melee go because that game is amazing… but its time to move on.

Game that’s almost as old as 3S with people lugging outdated TVs to play it was going to meet it’s maker at the new business centric Evo any way.

As far as variety’s sake goes the lineup is solid. Shit that normally wouldn’t be given a shot is at least up there. Crack died for this

My very first Evo in 06 was sadly the first and only Evo that DOA was a main game in. Even vanilla flavored fighting game VF got another year or 2 in comparison.


I think its good to give a couple of outlier games/communities a shot.

Neither Melee nor Marvel, cheers!! This is a Sunday lineup that I won’t skip if I have free time. The lack of DoA6 is the only disappointment but now we know the true reason why the franchise has never been considered for it.

The drama is going to be good. Will also be fun to see James Chen turn on the Melee fanbase.

Because the DoA community actually sucks. For years they were happy just playing online.

Try and process that.

I dunno, if I had to choose between Tekken, Soul Calibur, and DoA… DoA is at the bottom of that list.

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If you thought GGxrd was gonna have a spot… I don’t know what to tell you.

Bamco has its hand in Ultimate, Soul calibur, Tekken, blaz, and dragon ball… Evo is looking to expand and grow and bring in more people. Its all about cash and growing the brand at this point.

The writing was on the wall when ps3’s were being used for EVO when clearly every fighter ran better on xbox.

Its pretty crazy how arcsys/bandi/namco literally run the evo stage.

Is anybody actually surprised Xrd didn’t make it? It’s not like anyone really talks about it unless it’s actually at an event any way. Japan holds it down for sure, but the American scene more flaky.

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I think people are more upset Samsho got its spot…

The fact that DOA6 isn’t that is kinda messed up tho, I wonder if this has anything to do with evo japan.

Has DOA ever got a main stage?

I already posted above about the one year DOA was at Evo.

DOA usually doesn’t have the turnout to be an Evo main game any ways, but it’s not like Evo really bases their shit on that either.

Being upset about Xrd, sure. Surprised? Welcome to corporate Evo.

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Much deserved for Unist. That’s a legitimately great game.

I am, for better or worst GG is still the flagship title for ArcSys and the one who has the highest viewership.
I would have avoided SamSho since it will be a brand new game and the players will not be able to showcase it at its best

lol at using that as an argument when Melee has being an Evo mainstay all these years.

I’ll be the first one disappointed at a big portion of the players being more interested on taking pictures or saying how good DoA4 was, but DoA5 was specifically improved for competitive play, has a following and could have easily been given a chance if they have wanted to. They didn’t and they won’t because of sponsor sensibilities, anything else is excuse.