SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

The game is clearly telling you to not play random select.

I’ll stay away from random select, you maintain a hard cap on piña colodas, we both save ourselves from future misery. :grin:

Hey, at least its not telling you to play Blanka.

I told you no more drinking, eventually you’ll learn to listen.

So you know how to rob?

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I am never going to drink alcohol ever again. Nope.

Yeah, I’ve heard that before.

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St.lk 4 frame would be nice. Also I think we are getting new v skills so hopefully he just gets something serviceable.

I think the thing with people taking the trigger and either giving you more of the same stuff or the same stuff for less meter at the end of they day - it’s still the same stuff.

Like Birdies V2 is an example of how good that can be, but Sagats V1 is never going to be Birdies V2 even if you make it 2 bars.

4f does a hell of a lot more than +2 would, natural from crlk would be fucking huge, it just needs extra oomf cause his best normal is still kinda mediocre lmao

Yeah VT1 is good in certain MUs but it’s utility just runs out so quick it needs that extra shot to open up it’s usage. Have 3 shots you’re more inclined to spend one in neutral to break a fireball war etc. Just opens your option pool.

VSkill might be garbage but they made Alex’s hard hits viable so I think it’s easily doable to make Sagat’s useable. Just needs more power pumped into it. Get a charge, be scared to jump because of the damage, or give it super good oki options. Something to make it imposing.


Well I’d say it depends on your major. I can’t imagine going into most STEM fields without years of learning the basics, but if you’re studying Art History… yeah…

Interviewer:. What’s your favorite color, Rooks?

Me: Pure black, and are you sure you want me to unpack this?



Can you actually reflect that rose or is this a comic just for humor (love the artist btw)

College might seem like it’s sucking up time and money, but down the line your options are way open. The difference between being smart and having no degree and a complete Dumbo with a degree is quite big. With the Dumbo degree guy getting the better job with higher pay.

Personally I went traveling for 7 years instead. Don’t regret it, but sometimes itd be handy to have that bit paper.

it’s not seem, college is sucking up money. You people in the US managed to make it way more expensive than it’s supposed to be.
Ask Europe.

Well yeah I’m talking from an Aussie / UK perspective. All in all America doesn’t seem like it’s a great place to live if you want health care and education.

Great for Pizza and Wings though.

Can’t have it all.


Yo DoA6 is supposed to be all about them jiggle physics and shit, right?
Why are Kokoro’s chesticles animated so poorly?

had enough of it trough bbctb, that counts too…somehow :coffee:

No it doesn’t, they change voice actors!


So after a few years of tough grinding I finally got Diamond yesterday.



Am I doing it right?