SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Let the record state that having 5 piña coladas in a single evening is a massive mistake.

Yeah and then you wreck my internet instead of thinking more

How can you betray SCIENCE like this

Also @FlyingVe @GetTheTables if either of you wanna SF I’m around for the next 2 hours. Since I’m probably the only guy in the world not playing DMC5 right now XP


Or maybe I just wanna get you to look into payment options so I can send you money for Falke drawings ;3

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I’ve said it before, that isn’t science. THIS is science:

My science MADE your science, respect your superiors!

Work smarter not harder

Not sure about the 2 hr window unfortunately. Already have the bourbon on ice and a cat in my lap so I may be settled for a bit. But I’ll let you know if I hop over.

I should be around off and on during the weekend. I’m looking forward to another mega lounge. Gotta get lots of games in with Kolin so the char announcements at Final Round throw me into disarray again. :sweat:

So on another topic, some weeks ago my brother accidentally hit a cat while driving, she got hurt in the head and we took her to the vet and thankfully it wasnt too bad.

Then we took care of her at home for a while and put up a paper around the neighborhood to find out the owner, and today the owner came in contact and is happy that her cat is safe and all.

Here is pic of the cat:


Glad to hear the cat is okay and is able to go home. Every time I see notices about lost pets my heart fucking breaks. Especially for cats since my understanding is that they are recovered really infrequently.

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Speaking of throwing money at people for art y’all should throw some at @DiasFox sometime

He’s very talented

/Shill Mode


He does great work. I have one idea I am legit interested in getting realized in art form. Might need to make that happen at some point.

Well, I will probably be around after that window if you are down.

This R.Kelly interview is comedy gold.





Okay one more pair of shares, almost forgot I asked for these


More Science

…I wish instead of 20 Gokus and Vegetas they made a version of A21 that was her scientist outfit. I like the Majin version but science version being story only is unfortunate

I didn’t know they were cancelled, damn I loved Jessica Jones, though S1 was much better because holy fuck David Tennant makes everything better. Shit my wife finally agreed to watch Doctor Who (she refused for years) when I told her David Tennant was in it, and she’s loving the show so far (going through the Eccleston series, he is def my favourite modern doctor)

He’s Batman without being a cunt.

Except Daredevil has a reason to fight, Batman jumps from defeating interplanetary threats with the justice league and then goes back to Gotham and beats up on petty criminals?
Let’s be serious here, Batman is a piece of shit. You got all of the fucking money in the world, how about you fucking try and get your town people out of the shithole of poverty they live in? Realistically how fucking desperate do you need to be to join a deranged criminal gang led by a guy who dresses like a shitty clown, or a guy that looks like a penguin?

@Pertho The all female ghostbusters was an ok movie actually; nothing transcendental and I wouldn’t watch it a second time, but it was not a BAD movie, it was just percieved as such because people buy into retarded rethorics. Kate McKinnon was legit great in it.

As I keep catching up with the thread I realize a lot of people here are WRONG about The Last Jedi.
I’ll let Bob Chipman speak for me because I cannot do a better job than he does.
But before that,
I do agree that Solo was a stinker, but Solo is a movie not made for me, it’s a movie for those hardcore of the hardcore Star wars fans that read the books and know everything in the lore and want to know even more (like where his fucking dice come from and shit). It was never gonna be popular with mainstream audience.

That said one thing I do not understand/like about the new SW movies is that they decided to dress up Hugo Weaving as a girl and made him play the lead.

and now I…


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Best advice I could give is to get good at bullshitting. Most interviews are character evaluation. Presumably you already have the skill or some skills for the job or you wouldn’t be there.

So when they ask - “what was one of your biggest successes” - Flat out bullshit about the time you got picked for your college football team and scored the winning goal in the grand final.

Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.

I’ve seen me use other story’s and swap me into the story in place of the other person, on the fly.

The trick is quick thinking - like FGs!

Sad, but true.

What they don’t want is to ask what your favourite colour is then you sit there for 2 minutes then just say - blue.


I knew this zio fuck was dumb, but got damn. To think that ghostbusters reboot was anything other than hot trash is some next level shit taste.

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Wait is this fuck actually implying TLJ wasn’t ass too but for “hardcore fans”. Holy fuck the amount of dumb shit being said in this thread…wtf button I miss you.

Dear Zio:

You’re wrong about the Ghostbusters reboot. The best character was Leslie Jones’s but they writers didnt understand how much she could’ve brought to the movie.

I saw the movie in theaters. It is a terrible movie. I actually watch bad movies for fun. I’d never put on rhe new Ghostbusters when there are better bad movies out there. So it isnt even good to make fun of it.



P.S. i wrote a great review about that movie. Mostly Feige bombed that movie for reasons.

never meant to say it was good, I don’t think is anywhere near bad, is one of those bland Hollywood movies that you watch and forget, there is nothing offensive about it, nor memorable.
Considering ghostbusters 2… it could have been worst.

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Holy shit. Shill DMC5 spoiler


In DMC5 the Mega Buster arm makes Nero jump like mega Man. Arms out and all.

This game is great.

oh btw while I’m there throwing out my unpopular movies opinions, I also recently LOVED Glass.
And I was a big fan of the ending.

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