SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

My review so far:

Sometimes its nice to get exactly what you want.

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I loved Glass as well, it was a very good closure to this unique superhero trilogy IMHO

though tbf, Glass was movie that, compared to Ghostbusters reboot and TLJ, was much more appreciated by fans overall.


I gotta stop playing fighting games, or ill never go through my current backlog. Havent completed nioh/res 7/prey/demon souls/res remastered/gow/rdr and a number of other games. I havent even gotten around the newer titles res2 and dmc because i spend too much time trying to get good at sf5/tekken 7.


Sure. Logging in now

Okay, just a minute. I will turn on PS4 when this cutscene finishes.

Just invite whenever you are ready

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I’ll hop over after this boss fight. Gonna be a bit so don’t wait up. I’ll @ when I’m set.

Just beat him…

Ruined my SSS rank streak…

Edit: Signing in now. Will make room and invite in a sec.

Its a comedy that isn’t funny. That’s not bland, that’s legitimately bad. Not going to go indepth into all the ways the movie is awful, but if you thought Kate McKinnon’s character was the bright spot, there’s no way that you’d understand any ofi t.

Also this MovieBob dude is next level wack.


This whole video is about how Rian Johnson thought he was smarter than he was so people have do college sophomore level analysis of it to make it sound good.

Fucking hell.

Hopping on now. Invite whenever convenient.

Still having finished my Manhattan so this is gonna be good.

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There’s a spider on my cord yall go ahead. I try not to kill them but i gotta make sure he gets away from me lol


Spider wouldn’t have let you get away.

Crisis averted :raised_hands:t4:

Are we doing random select?

I’m down

Whip spider (harmless to humans) and its antennae-like thorn claw hands

Chun wasn’t random select, I was wanting to try a thing.

But if we wanna random I’m in.

Lets do it im already starting off lucky
