SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken


Top 50% is basically my goal in life.

The last Mexican who actually lives in Mexico I played against was Cast Blanka and that connection was surprisingly good. We both play on PC so that helps too.

Problem is that this has been true already for a lot of previous years before TLJ release. So you can’t entirely blame everything on a phenomena well solidified before the release of both TFA and TLJ.

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I did the same thing that the kids are doing now when I was a kid, except I was playing too much SSF2 and SOR3 on the Genesis instead of playing Fruit Ninja on IPad. I got to the point as a kid where I played with Ryo from Ronin Warriors and my Green Ranger action figure for 30 minutes, then SSF2 and SOR3 get killed for hours.


No Name is at warlord with Vega. What’s your excuse again?

No buffs for you.

No Kolin or Zeku at the top. Clearly they need some help.

Obviously bbtag modifies shit from other games. Curious what other games allow you to take control of a character that came in as an assist. Auto combos work very similar to bbtag. Unblockable anti airs in similar type tag game dont really exist. Pressing foward goes straight into a run. All characters have upper body invincible anti airs

They took a shit load from the current game that has all of this and works in a similar fashion. Yea they’ve all existed before but you can tell they took some notes from bbtag. It’s not like it’s a bad thing

BB Tag is basically an amalgamation of a bunch of things from a bunch of games that makes it it’s own thing. Not too much of what it has is unique on its own, but with all of it combined together it’s definitely its own type of vs game. In some ways it is what people wanted MVCI to be. A tag game where you can make your own assists (with resource attached to it) while still being able to call traditional assists with a resource limit.

Probably the most unique thing VS game wise about BB Tag is that you can use more than one assist at the same time. Even in Marvel 2 or 3 you have to choose one assist per character, but BB Tag is essentially like having access to 6 assists per team off bat and then still be able to freely make your own assist with the active switching.

It’s still just a little bit too anime and not super jump/flight heavy enough for me to really wanna get into. Only Marvel Marvels.

Is his name actually “no name” or is do you just not remember the guys name?

Jokes aside, even with the personal capability or a better character I would 100% never climb that high. I don’t enjoy the game enough to grind that much.


No Name is his name lol. I see he’s Japanese.

Who’s on first


Thank you.

Since when do we put fucking jokes aside. This is serious business.


What’s on second, I Don’t Know’s on third, clearly.

How do you make a resume when you have nothing to put on it? I’m not done my degree and I have only worked shitty retail jobs.

Do i just list made up skills?

I don’t give a darn

Jokes aside:

My big resume tip. Don’t focus on what you did, focus on what you achieved. When I review resumes I’m much lesser impressed by a simple list of things that someone did, but more what they accomplished at those jobs. How did you excel, how did you improve the organization.

If you would like I would be happy to review a resume for you.

Nah its not all that this is just for a school assignment. I’ll take a rain check on that lol.

Why is in left field, tomorrow is the pitcher, I don’t remember all the others.

Hurray Abbot and Costello.

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Let the record state that I shouldn’t have had this 4th piña colada.
I shall make a 5th.

Well my advice still stands.

A list of jobs doesn’t tell an employer why you are better than another potential hire. Focus on why you were special.