SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Back at ya for frostys fabulous forgetful forays.

Btw speaking of movies.

I think i found the perfect candidate for MK 11’s guest characters.


they instead should put in STEM from Upgrade as a guest character

…I doubt anyone here saw that movie tho ._.

BBtag, the game that is literally an OBVIOUS copy of other games, is being made out to have been copied…


It’s like Samsung trying to complain about some other company copying their smartphones…

I hate it when fakers whine about getting faked. It’s like thieves that complain that some shit got stolen from them. That’s karma motherfucker. Keep it movin.

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This will be my last response to this.

You know you my ninja<3

I disagree with what your post. You say that scores and numbers don’t mean much because the general audience could care less. But if we go buy that logic then that completely invalidates things like statistics and averages. TLJ didn’t have the same legs as TFA which had a considerable drop off during its run which mean less people were going to repeat showings. The toys have been selling like shit which shows a huge disinterest in the characters, story and world. And the amount of videos dissecting why TLJ is bad is like 40 times that of TFA.

I’ll end by saying I completely understand your point but I’ll never excuse away those numbers just because the normies rationalize bad films be saying “duuur bro turn your brain off”

Also, happy international women’s day to any other woman that may be reading this forum be as a guest or in shadow mode, passing out as a guy.
Keep on fighting like a girl and kicking butt. :heart:

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I am going to mod the SFV menu theme to be nothing but this.


IIRC the star wars sequels always make less money than the start of the trilogy.


We’re good. :slight_smile:

This other metrics I think are more telling, however they have other variables that need to be accounted for. For example:

-toy sales. They are down, but on the flip side TLJ introduced very few new characters vehicles to make toys out of. Compare that to Empire which added things like Yoda, Boba Fett, Lando, cloud city, tie bombers, AT AT, snowspeeder, the list goes on. Not saying there was nothing merchandisable but things like porgs, while cute, are hopelessly irrelevant and not going to make people want to buy them outside of cuteness.

-audience disinterest is largely measured by solo (remember TLJ is still the 11th biggest grossing movie of all time). And there are just a lot of factors that go into solos reception.

Despite my points I gaurentee you there are some very concerned people at Disney evaluating all this.

My point with user scores is that they have no controls. As an example what do they do regarding the following:

-Limit control the weight of each vote
-prevent users from voting multiple times
-prevent users from seeing the results of others
-calculate a statistically relevant sample of users

Failing even one of those criteria would lead you to throw out the result. Again I want to emphasize that you should always throw out a bad result, regardless of if you feel the conclusion is valid. Otherwise it’s just confirmation bias.

That said, I also consider this my concluding argument and will post no further. Hatchet buried, it was a good fight.

Out next conversation will be about why Kolin is the best street fighter girl and needs more walk speed.

You sire have terrible taste in women. Kolin is cooties made woman.
Even worse than Menat.

Sure, but she could be faster walking cooties.

I liked TLJ when I first watched it, I think on my first viewing the only thing I kinda tilted my head at was the surviving being blasted into space bit

Watching it a second time I still enjoyed it overall, but better understood why people have such a problem with it. I still enjoy what it tried to do and what it feels like it was trying to set up for the final film…although the situation with Carrie Fisher and trying to still have her in with previously cut footage has me worried it’ll be a mess, even for my super lax standards

I’m the kind of guy who enjoyed the prequels though so I’m not exactly a good metric to use on anything :stuck_out_tongue:

More of a scuttle when you put it that way.

Sure. I will trade that for her st hp no longer CCing and being -10 ob.

My personal opinion, for what it’s worth.

I like the movie, but it’s one of those, liked in spite of itself, more than because it was a great movie. There is so much wrong with the movie objective and subjectively, so a lot of it comes down to how much of the bad parts you are willing to overlook.

Again, I am historically pretty easy to please. The only Star Wars movie of the main series I have thought was outright bad so far, has been EP II. That’s not to say that the others were great or anything though.

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Your taking like good players aren’t still going to cancel it into EX/HP hands anyways even without the CC.

If Kolin gets a 9(?) frame sthp that crush counters and is special cancellable and recovers quickly I demand buffs to Ed’s sthp >:c

But you have that sHK too. Kolin bHK is much less good.

Who needs bhk when you have sthp tho

Kolin with faster walk speed would be extremely balanced.

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