SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

If Type Arcade is coming to consoles and has something substantial, they would wait to release it AFTER Final Round, right?

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What about the Ms Marvel (Kamela Kahn) character?

She seems fun, and the MCU has been around in its own universe long enough to play off the fan girl aspect.

I think she would be fun, and stretchy powers are better than everything powers anyways.

Edit: also squirrel girl

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Daredevil is shit Batman


If the “new stuff” is releasing on Type Arcade, there probably won’t be any surprise reveal left for Final Round as any surprises will be spoilt by then.

That’s why I’m assuming ‘Type Arcade’ can easily be updated after the reveals with new content, if any, and released together with the consoles.

There will be a major riot if there isn’t.

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Final Round announcement is probably gonna be that all the characters will be available at the end of the night. either way, Nesica system is connected to the internet so they can still do the regular release schedule they’ve had the last few years.

Funny enough that Sonar ability makes DD more batlike than Batman lol…

Well i’m no professional reviewer, just keep this in mind. Your typical marvel movie, no real surprises here but still a good time. I went in without reading any reviews to be as blind as possible.
I won’t get into too deeply but I liked the plot, piecing togetherCarol’s memories over the course of the movie was intriguing. Carol herself was a cool character and had some good overall themes. The supporting cast was great too, young Nick Fury and Carol had some great scenes together. It got kinda “videogamey” at the end like Black Panther with overuse of CGI dudes fighting CGI dudes but overall I thought it was great, a solid 8/10. I can’t talk too much because my break is over.

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Not really. A lot of the cool things Batman became known for were ideas from Frank Miller. Frank Miller worked on Daredevil before moving to DC to work on Batman.

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You know what I love more than big explosions and CGI? I love character consistency and strong world building. I love call backs to things that not only make sense but are eye opening and actually expand on the lore/world in a good way. You can make a personal Marvel tent pole film without trying to cram as much shit in as possible. That was why Age of Ultron was fucking garbage. The opposite of that is why Winter Solider is my favorite MCU film. It expands on Shield, has a fucking sick plot twist that while not ground breaking, had ramifications to the whole MCU. This even spilled over to the TV side and they handled it with fantastic results.

I care about this shit because I know how important this shit is. It’s why despite the fact that I could give two rats ass’s about Star Wars, I thought TLJ was a god damn pathetic attempt and trying to do something different. So when I see niggas like @chatshire talk all this shit to hand wave away this stuff because “IT MADE ALL OF DE MONEYZ” or “ITZ A MOVIE BOUT SPACE WIZRDS WHY U MAD” I get fucking heated.

I’m not gonna even try here since my first bit sums up my general feeling towards this mind set but you can eat a dick my nigga please eat one.

But again… I ask what could Marvel have done? I’m not moving the goal posts here. Iron Man 1 all the way up to the first Avengers movie was one risk after another. And those were marque characters that Marvel still had the film rights to. You compound that with the sheer lack of strong female leads outside of named characters from teams and you have no visible woman to push. You also have to think of the timing for Nu-Carol, her re-brand came out during the later half of phase one so she was effectively a brand new character at that time. The Wasp was an Avenger too but you really think niggas were gonna run out and see Ant-Man during phase one? So how would the Wasp have fared? I’m not being a fucking misogynist here.

I love this girl. She has had character depth and strong arcs through all of AoS. Hell I’m mad she never got in even as a side character in any of these movies. Same goes for Jessica Jones but they put her on the small screen.

I agree and this has basically been stated by people already. Doesn’t change the fact that Cap Marvel was mediocre movie that trips all over itself.

Yeah that was bit of a meme IIRC

Edit: found it.


Marvel didn’t cancel those shows Netflix did.

Spectacular Spiderman ,wolverine and the xmen also got cancelled and those shows we’re gdlk

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Wolverine and the X-men was my shit.


A lot of that has to do with toy sales. The vast majority of those cartoons are there to push product. So if they aren’t making money on toy sales then the cartoon is technically failing.

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here’s the problem. it’s important to -you-, and apparently only on a really surface level since otherwise you’d have ditched these franchises a long time ago. it’s not important to anyone else, not in the context of superhero movies. the market doesn’t care, and these movies are made to make -money-. so when i see you guys sitting here dissecting the “failures” of a movie like cpt marvel and acting like this is gonna somehow hurt marvel in any conceivable way while i can sit here and look at how it’s performing and see that actually, the sky is not falling, i can’t help but laugh @ u

you guys keep bringing up TLJ as a disaster. how do you think the next star wars movie will be? you think they’re gonna be hurt because some people jerked online about the quality of its predecessor’s writing? hell no. they’re gonna make even more bank. your read of this industry is completely disconnected from reality

Well I’m not gonna see ep 9 so they lost my dollar.

The next Star Wars movie was the movie in the first movie in the franchises history that lost money. Merchandizing numbers plummeted. Not a good example to use IMO.

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Oh and if anyone wants to bring up dem money gains lets look at the Transformers franchise.

I bet each one made more money than the last. Hell I bet Bumble Bee made so much money because of those other movies.

Yep people kept seeing em and they kept being more successful. ;^)

Solo’s problem was reshoots, not TLJ.

I brought up TLJ. I’ve also kept track of the SW fanbase in various places. If you think that the arguments over TLJ being a piece of shit are local to SRK, you’re in for a world of hurt. Like it or not that movie has been insanely divisive to the SW fandom.

So you can laugh away at TLJ all you want, but the aftermath of the movie has left the franchise in an entirely different spot that TFA did.


Rogue One had significant reshoots, a cast of characters no one ever heard of, and made over 1 billion dollars. The main diffference being, by in large, people like TFA. Solo followed up TLJ and paid for its sins.