SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

duh. if you’re judging a superhero movie by anything but its box office returns in 2019 you’re missing the point

I mean it isn’t like the movie isn’t going to make buckets of money. Its an MCU movie, its pitched as a key part of the new wave, and it has big shiny effects so it’ll play well in the overseas market (where they give way fewer fucks about plot and more about cool popcorn shit).

This could be a legit mediocre Marvel movie but those happen sometimes. They make a fuckload of these things and the writing isn’t always consistent. Thor is best when he has good writing behind him because the char is pretty straightforward. Whereas RDJ’s Iron Man just requires letting him loose and its a least funny. Similar with Strange. Carol may just need her own Thor Ragnarok.

At least for me I hit MCU fatigue awhile ago. Could also be aspects of that with this movie as most fans coming to it are how many movies deep in this damn thing by now?

I will continue my patient wait for Parabellum.

We already have Cipher to do dumb troll shit. So I don’t know what is it that you’re trying to achieve with anything you’re posting. Its very likely that the movie is middle of the road but still a commercial success. The Last Jedi made bank and it wasn’t good. The aftermath of TLJ has made things a bit shakier for that fanbase though. So if you feel that the only thing that will matter from this movie is the financial outcome, you’re playing the game wrong. This isn’t early MCU where they could get away with so so movies. All MCU movies have been getting progressively better since Winter Soldier. If people aren’t down with Captain Marvel, who is rumored to have a 7-8 movie contract on the character, then it puts the next arc up in the air for a certain amount of the fanbase.

I’m hilariously easy to please: movie is either entertaining or it isn’t. That’s about all i ask out of movies. Go there and have a good time. If it’s boring to the point I can nitpick inconsistencies in it, then it goes in the bad pile.

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This isn’t early MCU where they could get away with so so movies.

This has gotta be a joke

The second half of MCU has been leagues better than the first half. That’s not even debatable at this point.


That’s pretty well me. If the movie is enjoyable, I can overlook a lot of dumb shit.

Case in point, Wonder Woman was a mess of a movie, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t enjoy the hell out of it.

i wouldn’t know how they match up because i can’t remember a single one of these shitty things. they’re ALL so-so. fucking suicide squad set records and it’s lined up for a sequel that will probably also break records. you’re living in a fantasy world if you think quality is relevant

That was literally the start of her being re-branded as Capt Marvel.

She’s been rebooted like 7 times since that #1 and literally no one likes her comic book re-brand.

Incel isn’t an argument, tell that guy to choke on fifty dicks.

So this doesn’t actually contradict my point because I never stated the inverse of this was different for men.


Marvel had access to a strong well of male heroes despite their most iconic being under the Fox banner. So again… I ask, how many non team female characters were there at the time the MCU was started that weren’t locked in red tape that they could have used? Please have those people who aren’t blinded by the Marvel logo to make out a list of females that could have been worked in as strong leads from 2008 to before IW. They can’t name Gamora or Black Widow and they can’t name Scarlet Witch because 1. She was retconned to not be a mutant and 2. She will most likely be re-retconned to be a mutant after the Fox deal goes through.

I loved Captain Marvel. I had a good time with it. at least much more than some recent movies that have come out.

Problem is that if you’re hard pressed to meet the conditions with male heroes, then you can’t imply that its a female one either.

Somebody way more knowledgeable than me mentioned that Marvel has always had bigger spotlight on teams than stand alones. Once you get past the golden era characters, you get a lot more teams than solo books. Maybe why they don’t have a good stand alone character like Wonder Woman.

Falke :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

MCU Shill!

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Some of this is Marvel’s fault in a way, most of their iconic characters come from the xmen universe so when they try to push a character outside of the xmen to be cool they’ll always have trouble and it being a female does effect things

Comic book buyers are kind of sketchy with their purchasing choices. Storm had a solo that was apparently really good but didn’t sell well.

Its a little bit dicey just looking at book sales to determine whether or not the character will have broader appeal. Don’t think a Black Panther’s body guard would’ve had a successful solo run, but after how the movie did I am insanely down to watch her go around kicking ass in a movie by herself.

Probably what they’re hoping will happen with Captain Marvel.

What was good about it? Need a review so Catshier’s dumb ass doesn’t think this thread is lockstep with Twin.

Storm is that bitch.
And that’s all I have to say about that.


The MCU now defines marvel characters.

The comics are only an outline.

It’s gives the nerds something to feel proud of for liking and the new comers something new and fresh to enjoy.

I enjoy the mcu movies but what I really love are Daredevil, Punisher and Jessica Jones TV series. Those were soooooo gooooood.

And it makes me sad that marvel has cancelled these shows.

Also Iron Fist season 2 was actually good.

Civil war 2 REALLY turned me off to captain marvel, infact once she took on the captain marvel mantle she was being told really lame imo.

When she was Ms Marvel she was infinitely more appealing as a character to me.

I assume she goes binary in the movie…otherwise I’m not seeing her take on thanos AT all…

The captain marvel actress really turns me off even more to the MCU version of CM

I don’t understand Daredevil. His superpower is that he’s a blind person that can see?

Basically he’s a top class martial artist that has enhanced senses but he’s blind ( but not really because his sonar is so good its basically sight)

Think if batman had wolverines enhanced senses but x10

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