SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

The best version of SFV can’t happen until Ed is top tier

…and Menat’s VTI is back to 2 bars

The thing is this movie could have worked man, But they fucking shot themselves in the foot.

Here’s a cool game guys:

Name one iconic female hero from Marvel comics that isn’t either

a. A member of a team (X-Men/F4 etc etc)
b. A character who is a female version of a pre existing male Character (Spider Gwen/Gwen Pool)
c. Had a successful comic run in the last 10 years.

Captain Marvel reeks of desperation because all their most dynamic female leads are in red tape fuckery.

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Except that’s patently untrue. there’s been plenty of movie with female leads that are successful. The issue is that hollywood puts out meandering movies and expect the star power to carry them.

Meandering male lead movies happen all the time, you just don’t pay much attention to them. But every time an actress stars in a lukewarm action movie they have to put the entirety of womanhood on the success of it. That’s a ridiculous thing to do.

Look at Wonder Woman, reviews on it were great, the press leading up to it was great and the movie succeeded. Captain Marvel’s press has been kind of wack, reviews now are shrugtastic and so the movie is unlikely to do as well as WW. Hollywood loves passing the blame to random things. The majority of the time the actors are blamed for problems with the script or the production in general.

Kind of like the rebooted Ghostbusters. Movie was terrible. No amount of men doing the same lines would’ve made it better. That movie was not the female’s cast fault.


And the died hard yaasssss queens are gonna blame the toxic males or fanbase for this movie not having any legs. Lets just admit that Marvel can fuck up and pray to god they do better.

I really really hope that rumor of End Game having two ending based on how well Cap Marvel does is true because I don’t want that wooden hoe ruining my book end film lmao.

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I’ll double post because I kind of want people to get at the issue. Lets take the Mission Impossible franchise. First movie had good reviews but some people felt it was too long and boring at parts. Starting with the second one though, the movies are just full of bad ass action and kicking ass. You could replace Tom Cruise with a female, and those movies are still full of bad ass action and kicking ass.

The Hunger Games series was in a similar situation (although this one trickier because the book had a strong following). But overall the movies are full of great special effect and has the lead kicking ass. You could replace the main character with a man and the movie still be pretty good.

Women on the screen vs men on the screen offer different points of view. Kill Bill would’ve still kicked ass if it had been a man getting revenge, but Uma Thurman’s performance on top of the femininity that comes with it just adds more. You get Linda Hamilton in Terminator, Sigorney Weaver in Alien/s, hell even the Vasquez character in Aliens was bad ass.

So a lot of it comes down to the quality of the movie. The more you press on the celebrity status of your main actor/actress to carry the weaknesses into money, the more you’re gambling that they won’t. Just work on making some really good characters, solid press tour and trailers that make it exciting. If you aren’t doing that, you ain’t doing shit and just defaulting on blaming some imagined misogyny for the failure of your movie.

Hell straight to DVD enterprises still manage with female leads. Look at the Resident Evil series. Mila Jovovich carried that nonsense for like 5 movies straight.

So its w/e. Just make solid ass movies. Nerds are way more okay with female characters than they’re given credit for. Problem is that female leads often don’t get the best production of the best press. I guess end of rant at that point.


It’s time for a krypto the wonderdog movie.

Agree with your post but the RE movies were all released in theaters

They basically do that for tax purposes. Doesnt’ make them any less DVD fodder than before. :joy:


Krypto is going to be Titans season 2. Superboy frees him from Cadmus when he escaped.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. My thoughts on your rant.

Asked a homie about this. He said your post was trash, why was I sharing it with him and that Captain Marvel had a successful run under Kelly Sue DeConnick.

What incel posted that

Hot take from a different person:

You’d be hard pressed to find a Male char that fits that too though

At some point every char has been on a team

So tricky dick on it.

Ms. Marvel is probably suffering from being an MCU movie nobody really wanted for a hero people don’t really know. Yall joking about Rogue stealing her powers but that’s deadass the only thing I know about her lol.

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None of us are joking about that. Literally the whole gen that grew up with the X-Men cartoon knows her as “That one bitch that got bodied.”



ms marvel aint suffering. i dont know where you guys are getting this shit from. movie’s doing great

They spent two months lowering projections for the movie. It’ll probably do okay like Antman but it won’t be touching some of the higher budgeted movies.

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That applies to like, most of the MCU characters and the general audiences.

Besides they fixed characters before. My example is Thor, it took the 5 years and 3+ movies to figure him out.

it’s already doing well. we don’t need to rely on projections. numbers are already coming in from thursday. stop downplaying

I haven’t downplayed anything. Twinblades said the movie was wack. People have had similar reactions of “the movie is just okay” and then I talked about how blaming actresses for the sole success or failure of a movie is ridiculous.

So I don’t know wtf you’re on, but you can take your Gamefaqs levels of illiteracy back to gamefaqs or Gaia Online.

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damn i guess twinblades is the arbiter of film success. somebody get disney’s CEO on the phone to let them know what twinblades thought about captain marvel

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You been caught. You just want to keep the wimins down.


I’ll get to give my two cents come Tuesday, I’m usually pretty easy to please with movies though.

Most MCU movies are bad. If the general public is viewing one as ‘‘ok’’, you know it’s unwatchable garbage.