SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

If they make VT2 three bars it has to, at minimum, have it’s pre-nerf duration.

Side Note: Nico seems cool. She has a “one of the guys” vibe. The new version of Lady is the truth though.

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Lady is always the truth.

Will reserve judgement on Nico until this evening.

Also, Nero, Dante, and Vergil are all glorious human (demon) beings.

This’ a thing of beauty.
ST Gief needs more love and more range on his SPD.

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Even with Laura, who pays a heavy toll for being a command grab sinner, they comped her pretty well for making VT1 3 bars so I’m sure if (big “if”) they did that for Kolin they would balance it out.

Lady was always my #1 DMC…lady but Nico is as if they reaching into my Id and pulled out my ideal waifu. I was already instantly sold on DMC5 Capcom you didn’t have to double down that hard.

I’d rather have more Chun costumes then Chun buffs, she ain’t gonna get pushed up the tiers anywa, it will probably all end up in tweaks. Legit I’ll play the game casually if they drop a new nice Chun costume.
My wish is still that they do Makoto as a character, I don’t really know if she’s my thing, but I got to recognize she’s the best they have in stock as returning character (ya’ll know I do not like Rose).
Anyway characters are going to be make or break for people like me who have lost interest in the game, it would be nice if they did a massive character drop with 3 to 5 chars, but I don’t believe that’s really possible. The best case scenario I see is them going for 2 characters at the times that can only bought separate with FM while only coming in a double bundle with real money, so that they can make more money, grabbing the dudes who would only buy one of them.
It’s just crazy talk and I am mostly expecting a single character

Captain Marvel was objectively a bad movie by MCU standards. Retcons out the ass, little pay offs, plot twists Ray Charles could see from a football field away.

Either Kevin Feige is smashing Brie Larson or Marvel thinks they can’t be touched. Every Empire falls…

Fuuuuck. Was it at least fun? Even the movies that were “bad” I’ve had a lot of fun watching. What did they retcon?

Is there a reason why Falke’s st.HK doesnt hit crouchers outside of the fact that f.HP does?

That’s sad to hear, I’m contacting my midnight showing friends for a second opinion. I won’t get to see it until Tuesday.

I looked up the user reviews and they are also pretty bad, but it’s akways tough to tell if that’s a meme or a real issue.

The Captain Marvel book has been a girl power meme for a while. Marvel has spent the better part of 5-6 years trying to get it off the ground but it never gains traction. What’s worse is that during that time Storm had a single run which was supposed to be really damn good but didn’t get the same push as Ms Marvel.

So it may be that they’re still hellbent on Ms Marvel being the premiere character to sell women on comic books but only writing her a certain way. RIP the movie if they left her as unlikeable as she reportedly is in the books though.

I didn’t think it was that bad honestly. It was solid but unremarkable film. There is one thing I didn’t like about it but I won’t spoil what that is.

Just heard back from my midnight showing crew.

Their review is that it’s “okay”. They compare it to the lower end of the marvel movies, but most of those still aren’t full on bad.

They also comment that it’s been a while since we had a “meh” MCU movie so it stands out.

They do say Captain marvel (Brie Larson) is boring. But hey, so was Thor until recently.

For what little it’s worth, these are women making these statements in this case.

That’s unfortunate.

Ms. Marvel can stay the broad that Rogue bodied to get her flying and super strength powers from. :pray:


It seems like a way they balance (“balance”) the CC property of some st.HKs. Whiffs on crouchers so you can’t just throw it out but if it hits for that char it is usually the best payout CC to hit (enough hit stun to let you dash -> combo).

That is my read on it anyways. Practically they are throw bait/backdash catch/whiffed DP CC buttons but those lucky enough to have fast whiff animations like Ibuki/Cammy/Vega have been able to get away with using them more liberally. You see it a lot less often from chars like Kolin or Falke because the use cases are more narrow and they have other buttons to toss around if you are looking for a good CH in a poking situation at those ranges.

tl;dr - “just because” and Capcom likes it when girls kick high.

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Funny you mention that. One guy next to me was explaining to his buddy how Rogue stole her flight and strength powers.

GetTheTables mostly explained it. It’s one of the typical crush counters that rewards you with a full combo, but you must land it standing so that means you have to catch a lucky counter hit vs a standing button or fireball or just generally catch an EX DP.

In order to get standing CC’s that hit crouchers and go into full combos you gotta play characters like Alex or Bison. Cammy pretty much doesn’t have a CC that hits crouchers (outside of sweep) but she can live without that.

I didn’t see here blind hate on SFV, there’s no reason to stay here with that attitude. If there’s something I don’t like on this game I don’t have any problem talking about, that’s negativity for you?

I could be happy for whoever enjoy SFV while not being completely in love with it, that didn’t stop me to keep playing. SF4 has enough BS to keep me away from that game again, outside Makoto I don’t miss anything about it, the game is dead. Whoever miss that game badly can keep it alive, it’s still there for them.

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I’d add st hk cc buttons are also designed to anti air and cc jump ins. Char that need good reward against jump ins can dish out massive damage this way. Also catch forward moving normals/specials and fireballs.
In Vega and falke’s case you already have a good long range poking button. You wouldnt use st hk as a poke but it would be a pre emptive move against someone playing a fireball game.
They’re pretty risky however because crouching opponents can punish on reaction.

My honest unbiased opinion:

Marvel is like a brother to me. We all love our family and sometimes we let them get away with shit we’d never let anyone else do. However, you can only let them do some dumb shit for so long before you gotta call them out. To me this movie sets a precedent that could spiral into the other films if they (Marvel) are really dead set on making Carol Danvers the head of the MCU post End Game.

For me this movie would be like a 5.3 on a 1-10 scale. It has moments… it does have some moments. But it crumbles under it’s own weight trying to do too much while not really making you care for Carol as a character which is bad when that character is basically Ultra Instinct Goku tier.


The Skrulls are actually the good guys

This is a weak plot twist that could have been saved for Cap Marvel 2

Nick Fury stated in Winter Solider that “That last time I trusted someone I lost and eye”

He loses his eye to the cat in the most uneventful way possible and it had nothing to do with trust.

For context that cat is on the good guys side so it 's not some type of betrayal

They retconned how the Tesseract was found.

I wont bother going into details but that retcon was fucking pathetic

Nick Fury got the name “Avengers” from a air force photo of Carol

Not the worst thing the movie did but holy shit it makes Captain America 1 mean fucking nothing.

The made Mar-Vell a woman scientist for some reason

I don’t have any attachment to this character since I’m not a avid comic reader but for the hardcore fans this could def be eye roll inducing.

There were no true stakes in the movie because Carol was basically a fucking god.

It made the conflict boring because she was so fucking strong and basically one shotting the Kree Star Force and tearing through Kree battle ships like they were paper.

The movie never explains why Fury never called on Carol before IW despite the entire inattentive being based on her first visit to earth

They could touch on this in EG but as for now, I think it’s lazy fucking writing.

They had like 5 minutes of Agent Coulson in the movie which fucking annoyed me.

I’m an avid watcher of AoS (Agents of Shield) so much of the character of Coulson has been fleshed out but most of the normies wont know about that so his big return leaves much to be desired.

Post Credit scene:

Post credit scene looks liked they pulled an Ant-Man where the scene is probably from the next movie rather than a teaser like the Adam Warlock scene in GoTG2. It shows some of the OG Avengers using some tech on Fury’s pager to try and figure out what it’s supposed to be. It goes off and Black Widow says something to the rest of the gang (basically everyone is perplexed like “what the fuck was it”) All of a sudden Captain Marvel is literally right next them and demands to know where Fury is and then it goes to black.

Oh and I’m not gonna spoiler this.

If you are a woman, I think this movie will make you more mad than if you were a man. Carol Danvers is not a feminist icon and this movie did a shit job of showcasing a strong woman who don’t need no man.



There’s just something about female leads that make movies either fail or just get mediocre ratings. The whole girl power thing keeps getting pushed and they don’t work a lot of times