SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

The game actually doesn’t need a patch at all right now, which means its 100 percent will get one and throw off the balance since its in a good space now.

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imagine I edited that picture of Gordon Ramsey to say “finally, some good fucking artwork”

I can’t be bothered to do it but it’d be funny.

Nah, Alex is too playable and Ed is still on the char select screen. They need to fix both of those issues.


Looks like they highlighted everyone that could use buffs in that image.

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Here’s what I’m thinking for my dudes and dudettes:


-upper body invul on all versions of hozanto
-more forward movement when canceling into light hozanto

-LK koku 1 frame faster
-LK Koku -4/-2 down from -6/-3
-more range on cMK
-cMK 0 on block (or +1)
-cMP cancelable

VT2 can now be followed up with with a juggle. Same juggle options as a midair Bushin flip K connect.


I haven’t thought through this much, but I would consider making VT2 3 bars (with more dashes), and buff Kolin outside VT.

Kolin VT2 should be 3 bars.

I’ll take literally anything for a Vega buff at this point.

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Don’t hold my breath for mid season patch, even Akuma/Rashid/Ibuki/Menat players need some buffs if you ask them.

The only thing i want for an Ibuki buff is to fix this weird phenomenon where her s.mk magically gets more pushback and makes s.mp whiff after. I can’t reproduce it but it’s definitely happened enough in the lab and online for me to notice it.

Also Vega getting nerfed roses but two instead of one would be nice.

could be due to either counter-hit, OR it hitting on a later active frame, or maybe weird pushbox interaction

Hey, she is not top tier unlike the others! All we want is to revert the VT1 and at. HP nerfs, and maybe make VT2 one bar so it’s not strictly worse. Nothing game breaking.

Improvements to O.Zeku would come with nerfs to Y.Zeku, that’s Capcom thought about the character. Y.Zeku is still almost free against close jump ins but whatever, they pretend us to change and use O.Zeku 7f dp with ease. #capcom

I think it’s when it hits on a later active frame but idk. Not really a big deal anyway.

Chun and Nash need buffs too, though I’m not sure what the latter needs.

Juri needs that patch like yesterday!

Sorry bro, but in this T-Rex arms game Menat means cancer to me.

Alex is probably exactly where they want him- fun enough to be slightly popular with no chance of winning anything important.

Agreed, but if you took that away, I think you could make her better outside VT2.

For Chun I think she needs a couple frames shaved off Kikoken or at the very least the amount of frames needed to charge it lowered.

I’d also make her EX Air Legs plus on block so she can have some modicum of offense again. Basically her S1 L.ALL but needing meter.

Also i think Kolin is fine before VT pop. Just nerf VT2 to three bars and leave it.

Not liking negativity doesn’t mean being blind to faults.

I’m an actor. And so are my peers. Our works are being critiqued on the newspaper. We get feedback from our teachers and these feedbacks and reviews can be harsh.

We depend on these reviews and critics to improve.

However there’s a difference between constructive criticism and blind hating.
Constructive criticism isn’t negativity. That’s positivity.

Besides acting I teach piano to kids and adults. I, too have to deliver feedback, both good and bad to the parents.

I can tell the difference between constructive criticism for sfv and people who want sfv to be exactly like sf4.


I liked the idea of making HK legs knock down, and letting her do TK EX legs like season one.

I think if you took Kolin VT2 away, you would want to give her something in exchange. It’s not like she’s a top tier character really (she good though). You could do my thing and just increase walk speed, but oven small tweaks like sMP being +5 on hit, or sHK not wiffing on crouch would be meaningful.

Also, if they could make ex kapult be 0 or -2ob that would be swell for Falke.
That bloody thing already has 20f of start up, ffs. No need for it to be -10 ob when Urien can ex tackle with 7f start up and -2 ob!