SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Usually I think you’re a blind shill but netcode revision for once makes sense because the arcade cabs run with onlune functionality and the rollback looked horrible, so you would expect them to update it.

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I only go balls deep-shilling to offset the hate mongering when it starts to fester on here. I’m also not blind, I am and have been vividly aware of SF5’s shortcomings but I refuse to give them my attention everyday on here. That kind of thinking will erode you from the inside and take away from what is actually good in this game and this era we are experiencing together.

Balance in all things. You will thank me one day.


I’d rather read shilling posts than negative ones. After a draining day at work, the last thing you wanna read is negativity.


anything that isn’t a Dime textwall is fine in my books

I live tor @Dime’s prolific walls of text. They are quintessentially SRK ‘insightful’, and add to my days more times than not. Ty Dime!


:coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Question for any folk who have time on Gat specifically, is his hurtbox significantly taller than other characters?

I’ve been running sets with a friend who plays Sakura and her j.hk is substantially more difficult to DP cleanly when on him, but I can DP it at like a 90% success rate with people like Ken/Kage.

I’m also experiencing “uncrossups” frequently when running sets - Sakura hits me on front side, lands behind me.

You know anything about why this is common occurrence with Gat? @Highlandfireball

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So when we think about things logically we kinda already had our answers to sf5.

We knew arcade type was coming out very soon, and we knew they said they were changing things this seasonas far as characters.

It should have been pretty clear that they weren’t doing a season like previously because the arcade wouldn’t mimic that well, and they aren’t going to just randomly release characters on the arcade every couple of months and have home users have to buy or use FM for those characters.

So more than likely we are getting all the characters released at once for the season as well as a patch, upon release of SF5 AT. I feel like fight money is going to be used for other things now instead of characters and you’ll have to purchase the characters.

I feel like the update in nov is probably going to be Super SF5AT The only problem with that is CC finals… so I’m not sure how thats going to work out.

True, but I prefer the hard reality over a wonderful illusion. Improvements come mostly because not everyone is satisfied with this or that thing/product. We would play SFV with 8f of input lag if nobody complained about it.

  • Dunno about UI, not a fan of all this gold everywhere, but whatever.

  • 4.5 patch is possible, but we’re already playing the best version of the game.

  • I would appreciate to see this Tweet about them working on it, hope so.

  • I don’t care about these two tbh, they aren’t exactly what I call ‘hype’, maybe they will be in the S4 lineup, but not at FR reveal. We got already Kage, if we gonna get a double reveal then we have just 3 characters left.

  • Press release ain’t gonna happen at all.

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They can’t move away from FM, that was their one big promise when the game launched. In fact I think the reduction of weekly FM bonuses pretty much confirms that wou’ll still be able to use it to buy characters, but Capcom just wants the output to be so low that a lot of people won’t have any other choice than to spend real cash.

I think it is a bit too early for a 4.5 patch.
Letting a few CPT events happen, seeing how the game is behaving then adjust accordingly would be a much better course of action.

mid season patches suck, I think the last few months should be enough for them to identify some of the issues with S4 and do touch-up

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If we do get a 4.5 patch what do you all want?

I’m still kind of thinking about what I would change on Kolin/Zeku, but I think I would prefer more dramatic changes. Those are always more interesting. Unfortunately, the time to do that was Season 4, with 4.5 to fix any screw-ups.

I want even more buffs

Psycho Kugel back to 13f start up and Gief’s st mp back to 6f start up. :stuck_out_tongue:
That works for me in terms of buffs for my characters.

widen Cody’s st.hp hitbox backwards to catch people above him easier, knock 2f off his tornado shot.

Do something about Gat’s DP so it stops fucking going under people. Make his st.lk 4f, extend the first hitbox of st.hk so it hits crouching opponents further out.

Mid season patches are not ideal but leaving flaws or bad design choices for one year is worst.

So what do you do ?

there’s not really anything flawed outside of character imbalance at this point, like even last season they did some very minor balance correction, like Akuma’s st.mk midway through.

I mean large scale reworks.

I guess I should clarify I don’t think you won’t be able to purchase characters with FM but it’ll be so expensive now that you basically wont and will use FM for other things instead.

So basically you wont be buying 2-4 characters with FM.