SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

I’ll win Evo


Do it!


If you delay the jump-in the AA jab will usually trade, since you extend your hurtbox into my hitbox. If you hit it so you fall onto the opponent, unless the jump-in has a super bad hurtbox you’ll beat the AA jab.

Additionally Zeku’s AA jab is particularly bad

Ed’s by comparison

And your jmk and my jhp/jhk, our primary jump-ins (O. Zeku jmk being the only one I can really jab AA)


I’ll be on this weekend guys please don’t be mean to my WiFi connection!

Better be open on Saturday afternoon so we can clown your connection on the SRK stream channel.

I will try, I have a full work day saturday.

WiFi !!!?

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I played a 20lp Kolin this week that quite literally didn’t do anything. Shit was a blood bath, don’t think he’s ever played a Sagat. She must be pretty damn stupid or that dudes just played a billion games.

Think I hit 4 st.fierce in a row with a tiger shot then he did a 5th one into the trigger. I’m not even joking.

Which characters just carried people up the ranks in 4, I can’t think of many, Yun for sure though.

so apparently DMC5 is apparently amazing, possibly the best ever.
This continues the recent streak of “capcom can do no wrong”. Can’t wait for next week to see if they can translate that to S4 or if the FG division is officially the retarded ginger stepchild.


come get the Power Rangers gameplay breakdown.


Kolin is fucking balanced you shoto drooling cuck!!!

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Animations are a rough but, if they made the game a little bit faster and worked on the hit stop…Power Rangers game is actually not bad at all.

I like the animations better than MKX.


They have a weird poverty charm to it TBH.They’re good enough but kind of 90s FG goofy look to them simultaneously. Might be because they’re really going after key frames and not fully animating stuff like in modern games.

Edit: If this game has a good netcode, so help me god. :joy:

I’m actually excited for Battle for the Grid.

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What’s hilarious is that it basically plays like an american verison of BBTag. Kind of shows the power that IPs have in the success of a game.


throws DBFZ into the trash bin, lights it on fire then pisses on it


Balanced my ass HP + HK.


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Not sure about Yun. There was still a certain amount of execution required to make him work. I think Yun made good players better but he didn’t make bad players good, which is what a ‘carry character’ is supposed to do.

I think AE2012 Cammy is a better example. And I’m talking from experience because I played her through from Super to Ultra. Her Divekick was completely retarded in that version.