SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

I love throws (at least regular throws) so I have no qualms with it. Love seeing people take the throws and have to make that decision when it gets close. Tokido still taking 4 throws even though he had full v meter stocked vs a Cammy that is a whole character length after a throw is the perfect throw psychology that I love in the game. You get to see opposite ends of what players can think about during throws and the meter management.

I don’t care how the throws are strong in a game, if they’re strong I’m down. Even if I totally hate a game if I see grabbing is good I’ll say “well hey at least regular grabs are good”. White chip and shimmies keep these boys shook.


You haven’t complained that Ed is broken and takes no skill to use and that that’s the only reason I win

Ergo you are not a scrub :slight_smile:

There’s a master guide on my channel.

If you want a doc automattock has a great write up.


Nah, I don’t deal with all his shit correctly, but that’s still my newbness.

You whoop me with Ed in about the least BS way imaginable.

Summary, Ed is fine, I suck.

Command grabs are cheap though.

Excpet for Alex’s. I just wanted to be Daigo and take every command grab honestly. I was like “this guy actually did 3 power bombs” LOL. I was cooling just like Daigo and won any way.

Could have just jabbed him out, but then I wouldn’t be Daigo and I wouldn’t see how much of a nut he is. Pink Netflix and Chill Alex with Masher in his name I knew. :face_with_monocle:


Being a nut is only good if you can fall back on solid play.

Otherwise you are a gimmick.

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I’m like you in that sense, no matter how much SFV promotes nutty play I can’t play that way. Not even when I play G X3

…although you were born into unga and I was born into lameness. Can probably thank Link being in Smash 64 for shaping my playstyle today~


And my coachs keep telling me people will stop falling for those dive kicks…
Also, taking 3 power bombs in a row was a good tactic here. Guy clearly got lost after burning all that craziness in a fake power bomb loop!

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I have historically been pretty nutty, but I never feel comfortable doing that until I have that stable baseline first.

That’s what I have been struggling to find in this game so far.

Oh, you nuts, we’re doing a test stream on Saturday so we can get mics and other random things worked out properly. Probably set up a lounge so you guys can clown each other on while we mess around with things.

Poster for the “Who the worst in the SRK” officially made too. Announcements sooner than later.

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He even did the YuGiOh “but he won’t know my 4th power bomb is ACTUALLY A CC HEAVY BOOT!!”. Yeah I figured that was coming eventually so I can take my turn back (and that beats hitting buttons so I wasn’t going to).

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You got a guide for the King? What’s your channel name so I can get at that grail of knowledge???

Do I enter with Kolin or Zeku… hmm…

The rule of threes has been a thing in fighting games forever.

Every one tends to fall back into that pattern.

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I don’t know. Preliminary idea is to make it a ft5 tournament all the way and Grand Finals is F10.

Every person that wins is eliminated because if you win, no way you’re the worse.

Only two people in this thread know what first place gets. Its kind of godlike in how terrible it is. :eyes:


DJ is like the only nigga that can get thrown countless times and remain calm no matter what.


The grand master Falke I used to talk strats with Rompepollo is mostly bodying people online with the dives. He was playing against MaiLyn’s Laura yesterday who has cheap ass anti airs vs Falke’s dive shit that put her in really bad situations and he still couldn’t anti air it. Rompe would “mix it up” with regular j.MKs instead but like once people actually understand Falke’s dive game it’s over LOL.

Rompe has no shame he will dive and jump MK you until you get hit. He has more fake mix ups with Falke than some Alex players.

I’m adopting some of his style now (even though I can’t personally play that nutty myself) and see where it goes. Not surprisingly Rompe gets bodied by Urien and Blanka since they both have way too many anti airs that brain dead take Falke out of the air.

If they work in GM, might as well do them in Plat.

Are you still gonna try and do the thing where it moves? Like, if I was the worst, and I beat someone, it goes to them?

I am trying to play as lame as possible myself, but dive seems to open people up far more often than it should.

Yup. I’ve learned that you have to mix it up. You have to go a little bit crazy because if you don’t, the opponent will eventually jump over one of your buttons after a block string and then you’re done. You might as well jump sometimes after landing a s.HP, f+HP or stand shot when they’re scared of your buttons so you can open up more opportunities to land damage.

If you’re just purely playing the lame game vs like Ken or Karin you’re going to get jumped on or walked into the corner eventually. You have to be just mobile enough to throw them off and give yourself opportunities to hit them before they hit you.

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