SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

It’s obvious that proximity normals are needed to make a great game.
I mean look how terrible Alpha 2 is.

Welp, back on the 30 game win streak.

Never thought I’d get one of those again. I usually choke when I’m near it lol.


Doubling back on something I said: I like the button buffer. Whatever the fuck you call the 3f thing.

I agree about the input buffer. It is silly to me how easy it is to get erroneous specials/CAs in this game.

I’m not much of a fan of the up close game in SFV either. The suite of design decisions in the game seem to combine to make it kind of clunky and unfun in ways that I didn’t expect. I’ve sort of gotten used to it but that doesn’t necessarily mean I like it.

To Frost’s point about cl. normals: one of the things I’d like to see in SF6 is for the buttons to be less homogeneous. Part of SF to me has always been that characters normals feel different, but in this game the buttons on the majority of the characters are really similar in terms of frame data, range, damage, purpose, etc. If bringing back cl. normals allows them to free up the regular normals to not be so damn templated I’ll take that trade.

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I mean I agree with that too.

It’s tough to describe, it’s just the methods used to pressure/open people up are very esoteric, especially compared to what a lot of other games do.

At the least, with the games evolving, if prox normals get removed there should have been command normal space to take up that hole that removing them made. But even if you add a command for those instead, it doesn’t fix the inherent issue that some normals have of being available at every range.

It’s not that proximity was perfect by any means, but it’s hard to properly balance a move when it’s available everywhere, it has to be chipped away at it’s certain strengths. Think shit like Saks old cl.hp, vs. her new b.hp. The difference in power in those moves is fucking hilarious.

I’m not a fan of applying real offense that requires me to open someone up. Don’t care for shit like shimmying or g. I much prefer command grabs and good left/rights or high/lows. Talking character wise.

Ended a niggas 33 game win streak and then lost mine right after.

Lol. Time to start a new one. Not the least bit mad.


That’s what other games do.

Take DBFZ for example (as it’s recent). No single component of offense is particularly hard to deal with on its own. However, there are a lot of options to keep track of, so you aren’t going to be able to react to all of them, especially if you are also devoting brain power to escaping.

In SFV a lot of the time it feels like you just have the throw… which is unreactable. And all of the esoteric offense revolves around that. Despite my preferences on how to handle throws, if you made throws any worse in this game offense would start to vanish very quickly.

SFV needs

  1. More crush counters
  2. To be at Evo 2020 along with the next crack.
  3. A 3rd Aegis for Urien
  4. Extra busted no prox normals
  5. C.Viper
  6. T.Hawk
  7. Scary V Triggers for everyone
  8. Higher robbery factor

But not makoto.

Personally, I think they should just add Goku.

I couldn’t say better.

Goku is still better than adding crybaby Pokemon characters

SF: All Aegis Aedition

The box art for SF6 will be T.Hawk and C.Viper both popping Aegis and crushing Ryu between them.


After the dash discussion we can all say there’s a little of her in any SFV character, so…

No wonder people scared af about my bae, even Capcom is. I forgive you this time.

Goku is always hype.

No one would ever cry about more Goku.

Cody came back to show people he has been doing the SFV frame trap game long before anyone else.

Now Makoto will show that she has done unga the best.


Here is a question.

What makes FADC bad?

What makes CC bad?

and What makes Vtrigger bad?

So that we can easily see identify what should be discourage features for future mechanics alike.



One simple answer to all three is skewed risk / reward.

FADC provides too much reward for the risk that you’re taking, which is potential round winning combo for a cost of 2 bars. There was very much a just-do-it attitude towards DP FADC for much of SF4’s life because if you hit, you get a combo, if you’re blocked, you’re safe anyway.

CC is bad because the risk of putting out a heavy normal in neutral is far outwieghed by the potential reward of a crush counter. Heavy normals in general just aren’t as punishable as they should be in neutral.

V-Trigger is bad for a lot of the same reasons FADC was bad. Just throw out that sweep and cancel into V-Trigger. If you hit, great, you got a knockdown and can follow up. If you’re blocked, great, you’re plus and can mount looping pressure into a comeback.

The risk for doing all these things isn’t balanced at all with the potential reward. Statistically, just doing these things over and over without a single thought will in general end up working out in your favour, so they’re seen as ‘mindless’ mechanics.


Like supers they let you get away with bullshit that isnt cool.

HF is best. No meters no dashes (except Rogs dash straights)

Tomo >>>>> Daigo. Jeff is a strong white Guile :muscle: