SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Nah,grey/white life is a bad feature imo.

It heavily favours characters with good frame data and gimps players that prefer a defensive gamestyle. Why should I get grey life by blocking properly ?

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I liked SFV a lot at first, mainly because they abandonned most of the dumb shit from SFIV.
But it dropped more and more over time and my liking for the game was basically wiped.

CC are discount Mortal/Fatal Counters, that weren’t impleted correctly.
V-Triggers are discount Overdrives/Instincts, that weren’t balanced even one bit
They took SFIV dumb defence options out and replaced them with shitty defence options
They made everyone unga bunga, to the point that no one would have noticed it, if they just put Azrael into the game and called him a SF Char.
And then they put in more and more characters, who’s entire point was to get beaten up, just to get a VT to get the whole round with trough magic.

There is so much stuff into this game that wasn’t thought out well or is just there because of design philosophy changes over time.

Well, the best things SFV spawned were Menat,Falke and Cammys buffed ass. SFIV was an insult to this character.


Blocking is bad. You should not be blocking because that means you fucked up. Especially in a game like SFV with weak meterless/non-VT offense i like universal mechanics that get people off of block.

Replying to @FlyingVe, I hate high pushback because it makes follow-ups more prone to whiffing. One of Vega’s major problems is that outside of his hand s.mp his rolls are prone to whiffing at max range and definitely buffer range due to insane pushback on his buttons.

And yeah Capcom needs to to stop adding half-assed anime mechanics in SF they are like 0/10 in execution on that.


My list taken as a whole Is intended to de-emphasize the combo game a bit, and make the need to cancel into damage less significant, and also less common.

I would assume that after making huge changes some individual moves would also need to be reworked.

Me intention is not to put upon Vega specifically.

Regarding grey life. It’s basically just the GG guard bar, but more elegant. It also allows those characters that just poke at you, but have few mixups, to play their game better.

The idea of no dashing is cool, but I think some form of forward momentum might be needed to keep certain archetypes in check/relevant.

You get to finally make walkspeeds fast again with no dashes. Makoto would be the only character with a dash as a unique option for her.

Fighting a South American Blanka on the Mad Gear CPT stage is a hellish experience.


I like the input buffer. I apparently have enough trouble with some medium-medium links in this game with that buffer so I’m thinking I’d be totally fucked without it.

I like cross play. This is probably the biggest thing for me. Being able to play anyone in the community, at least theoretically, even with how shitty CFN can be, is cool. I get spoiled by it and when I want to go back to other FGs I forget how nice it is to be able to just lobby everyone up.

I like moving away from cl. normals but that was a simplification thing for me. I’m also not married to that implementation and I’ve heard compelling arguments for why they are valuable.

I like most if not all of the new chars. But SF is a rotating cast so the ones I like probably aren’t gonna make it back.

I like the priority system.

I definitely do not mind all the shapely ladies and their extensive wardrobes. Losing to Laura sucks but the outro helps.

I’m in a similar boat to Ve and others where a lot of what I like about SFV is that I just didn’t dig SFIV and this is not that. Part of that was SF literacy so I’m interested in how SF6 sits with me when that comes out.


Priority system sucks gonna be honest. Input buffer is far too high.


Yeah no proximity normals is another good one. I hate that shit.


Prox normals help balance a lot of normals to not be retarded in neutral.


Elaborate. I much prefer more command normals than the game deciding when my buttons change.

Having them on commands doesn’t change some of the balance implications, think Cammy sthp in V, you can whiff it for free and just buffer until it tags something, and because of the priority system it’s gonna beat p.much anything.

That was a close normal in IV, IIRC

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I also agree, but think the transition wasn’t super smooth.

Right now we have a lot of moves that are in effect “close” normals, and as a result have little use in neutral. Or have wierd normals where it feels they were trying to combine the properties of both.

So yeah, I like that they are gone, but think the change wasn’t as graceful as it could be. Sometimes it feels like SFV had close normals removed, more than that it was built without them.

SF5 is actually a very well thought out game, like a chunk of MvC3. Problem is that the end result is not all that fun.


No prox normals made them have to create normals for specific purposes, which is why we have the homogenised feel. It didn’t have to be that way obviously cause other SF games were fine, so it’s obviously Vs poor design. But if prox normals existed, you’d at least have a bit more nuance in normal application which could affect the neutral.

Stmp? It’s probably a pressure button, etcetc

I think its a combination of what you and Ve are saying. Using your Cammy example that just seems like poor implementation on Capcom’s part than it being that proximity normals is a good idea. Capcom didn’t consider the ramifications of making some moves possible at every range.

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Hitboxes being so micromanaged sucks. Them needing to account for CC status on normals also hinders their usefulness.

CCs impact a lot of design decisions in the game.

As a semi related follow up, my least favorite general part of SFV is the up close game.

I know I’m still very much learning, but this is some very esoteric shit.

Yeah SF5 on paper sounds great.

I’m find with no heavy or crazy OS’s those always devolve further and further into the Os’s rabbit holes.

I’m actually fine with alot of things with sf5, if they’d pop open some of the restrictions and juggles, add some active frames to normals. Slow down dashes to be almost universal among the cast outside of certain characters, and adjust how hitting someone with and air to air can leave you negative upon landing.

The game would be pretty awesome.

I would like to see chip damage be able to kill but only from special and supers


I think the close game is weak. My issue is how easy it is to get in someone’s face.

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