SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Yes SFV has really not that many active frames. I believe 2 is the average right now.

Meanwhile in anime land, moves have like 5-8 on average.
Look at this beauty with it’s 8 active frames.


So to just get it all into one post. For SF6 I’d like:

  1. Slower/shorter range dashes. SFV dashes sre AIDS
  2. Longer reaching buttons with more active frames.
  3. Higher damage on normals, especially non-cancelable ones.
  4. One wakeup timing, or one normal time and one delay time at most. DWU along with back and normal tech times positions is overkill on oki.
  5. Less ridiculous comeback mechanic please god. Preferably something that works more universally so we don’t get absurd discrepancies in usefulness like Ryu VT1 vs Ibuki VT2.

Not all 8 are at the tip though (unless the changed it later).

Ragna 5B is really a 2 part move in disguise.

On topic, I’m not convinced active frames are really that big of an issue most of the time is SFV. That seems like trying to bandaid a potentially bigger problem.

CF version has 8frames all around as far as I’m aware off.

I play some Ragna in anticipation of Apocalypse, hopefully we get some news this year about a new BB.

My 09er friend wants 1 frame links and fadc in Sf6. And keep all his characters intact. No changes.

Nah its definitely a problem. Active frames are sort of like cancelable lows (which are also trash in SFV) in that they punish reckless forward movement.

It also makes oki way weaker outside of canned setups since less active frames makes manually timing your meaty more difficult and more prone to being jabbed since it’ll either be often too late or too early. That’s before we get into multiple wake up timings.

Now the latter being a good thing is debatable, but the former is definitely garbage. It enables shit like Makoto dashes for the entire cast and non-sense forward moving shit like Urien EX Missile.

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Tell your friend to kick rocks.

SF6 should be w/e hot mess Capcom wants to make. Dont listen to anybody since 5 is proof that they shouldnt. Just ask players for their feedbacks so that characters have that feel to themselves.


Watching last week’s WSO someone in the chat was apparently asking for FADC back in SFV, no other considerations.

People sure are fucking stupid sometimes.


They all stuck in the past.

The only way we can have fadc back is when capcom does capcom vs snk 3 and fadc is one of the grooves.


I never even thought about it in this matter. Great post and you are absolutely correct.

One thing I hate in SF5 is seeing my normal out and it getting eaten by a throw, mannnn I hate that. I’d see that sometimes in other games enough to were it was funny but in sf5… its regular.

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I generally agree but since we are doing lists:

  1. Remove dashes
  2. Increase walkspeeds (Kolin walkspeed as the baseline for a slow character)
  3. No more crossup in the corner
  4. HKD on sweeps and select special moves.
  5. Make it difficult to loop HKD
  6. Less hits stun on jump ins
  7. Most throws more akin to 3S in balance. Easy to land when in close, not much reward.
  8. Two tech timings Normal and Back
  9. More pushback on moves in general
  10. Higher damage in individual attacks
  11. Generally de-emphasized combos
  12. Better buttons in general
  13. No faux Roman cancel mechanic
  14. Better overheads

Note: I am a street fighter scrub

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So what do we actually like about SFV? As in “I want this in SF6” like.

I like the normal buffer and i like the idea of the priority system. However I think it’s dumb in combination with Crush Counters. Speaking of, I also like CC’s as an idea but the implementation on some buttons is absurd. Less Rog s.hk, more Ryu s.hk or Chun b.hp.


I like the most about SFV that it’s not SFIV


I like V Skills as a way to build a comeback mechanic, because you dont exclusively build it by getting beaten.

The problem is that most of them are quite bad, so I would want to make them better overall (of course, I would decrease the power of V Triggers)

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Things I like:

  1. Input buffer
  2. Grey life system

I also like the general concept of CC, but not the execution.

It’s funny, since you asked to list things, my mind is coming to the conclusion that it’s less, “what SFV does right” and more that it avoid the laundry list of stupid things from SF4.

My list had lots of entries that were basically “didn’t do the stupid SF4 thing”.

Basically what @Cipher said…

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I’m thankful for Falke.


1/2: Sure why not

3: Hard “no” for me. I consider that a SF “thing”. Also cornering yourself for the chance at a good mixup is a nice decision to have.

4: agree, but not with the current “lay on the ground for 5 seconds” HKD’s. Slows down the pace too much. Either speed up HKD time or at least give it some kind of writhing in pain animation on the ground.

5/6: Agree

7: Not sure i agree but i never played 3S so its hard to say. I don’t like nerfing throws though they are already trash in 5.

8: Maybe

9: Another hard no. Not sure why so many old heads want this.

10-14: Sure

Oh yeah grey life is a good one i always forget about that.

Alternatively we 100% need chip kills back along with higher chip damage in general. Don’t know how I forgot that.

I would like to add:

No crush counters. 200-300 damage conversion for a random-ass counterhit is just too much. Whoever came up with that mechanic should get the Old Yeller treatment.

Jabs/shorts with better hitboxes, so you can (preemptively) check attacks and stop fake offensive pressure. This in combination with no crush counters would improve footsies immensely.

Hit- and hurtboxes that match the animation.

Reversals that reliably hit. I can’t count the times I tried to flash kick, roll or TU only to punch a hole in the air and get crush countered.

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Follow up.

.4. Good point the super long HKD time is a excessive.

.7. Important. In SF3 throws were very hard to tech. So they are a very reliable way to score damage. Basically low risk, low reward.

.9. The pushback goes along with the higher speeds. More pushback without changing the speed would be bad.

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