SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

any xkira news about sf6? :honeybee: :coffee:


This is me when it comes to Gouken.

I mean, i really want him but…


I’ve heard Ryu may be in. Not confirmed yet tho


Ryu will be in it for sure, Xkira can’t take credit for that.

If he data mines that that he will indeed have his Hadouken ,then that’s news boy !

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Evil,Neutral, or Enlightened Version? maybe a mk variation style incoming? :scream:

Is this Soul Edge?


You’re gonna stop talking shit about my boy :angry:

So edgy

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Daigo out there collecting all them sponsors.


If you truly believe that this will raise the skill ceiling you’re dead wrong.

Game can have a high skill ceiling yet piss easy execution.

SFV dumbed every aspect of the Neutral game down on top of dumbing offence and defence down, putting a lot of dumb GG situations in AND reducing the execution on top of that.

Fix the Neutralgame,offence and defence without touching execution difficulty and you already raised the skill ceiling into an appropriate room.

The only thing that will harder Combos do, is to keep low-mid level players more down, but the wall will break down rather fast if they’re dedicated.


The execution being lower isn’t even the problem in SF5 imo, the game really has just about the perfect execution middle ground. The problem is everything is restricted, Urien is a good example of what stuff could look like if capcom handed out more of them there juggle points and things.


It’s not the responsiveness (though that certainly doesn’t help) it’s the fact that dashes have much more range than sf4, but normals have much LESS range than sf4.

Combine these 2 things and stuff comes up like:

At PERFECT AA spacing for a jumpin, is also the PERFECT spacing for a dash in medium. This creates a neutral game mixup of jump or dash. This wasn’t around in sf4. In sf4, as an example, a players longest range option was jump, but dash at that range wasn’t even a threat. So all you had to look for was jump. Once dash was in range to actually be a threat, your defensive normals were also a threat.

In sf5 you can dash in starting at ranges where normals aren’t a threat at all. That means to a certain extent you CANT stop dash pressure unless you either play super far away where a single dash isn’t a huge threat, or you play super close where a single dash has a good chance of running into buffered limb.

Bla bla


You can be a fighting game with no combos and still be fun. The fun comes from neutral interactions with your opponent which is too deemphasized in SFV. You can have basically no neutral and win off one blocked full screen slide -> V-Trigger activation -> Mixups. This is not an uncommon thing in SFV.

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Raise skill ceiling? I’d probably undo the philosophy they had of charging headfirst into every OS and removing it. I’d inject some range back into the game, and then generally just mend a lot of the hit/hurtboxes that went awry. Total dash frames and recovery frames on a lot of the normals also, make the ground feel a bit more stable and haphazard if you whiff.

A lot of OSes add a layer to a layer, which can make some fun mindgames on the ground. I’ve been messing around with UNIST and the game explains a lot of simple OS options revolving around throws, I have no idea why SF couldn’t take that route instead of forcefully removing layers from the game.


Not just less range SFV has less active frames too. I die a little inside every time my opponent looks like he dashes through my button because it only had 2 active frames.


Another thing that makes SFV so unenjoyable is how much of the time you spend twitch-reacting. You’re constantly at attention to react to dashes, jumps and buttons, all at the same range. This makes the game constantly stressful and you end up with a road-rage like situation where you’re always on-edge.

In SF4 twitch reactions were mainly for things like buffering ultra through a fireball or to punish a back dash / jump back.


Those times when you time your meaty, and it looks like it phased through and you eat a jab into a full combo.

I mean I know its my fault for not timing it right sometimes, but like due to the few active frames in most normals it just looked like my normal passed through and didnt even hit

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Oh I’d reintroduce wakeup throw invincibility also so that we never have shimmy meta again. It’s pretty shit.


I’d be down for just not having dashes in the next game, and just having better overall ground speed.

I know I’ve complained about it before but… ever since SF4 Capcom has had a habit of making animations not really match the frames of a move. From the oki animations, to post attack dances, all this extra animation work may look fluid, but it makes the game indecipherable. That is… unless you open up a guide and start memorizing frame data.

I have nothing against frame data, but I am annoyed by how many situations in the game must be solved by looking up the move in a table.


As long as this means 1f or 2f start up SPDs, I am game.
I am not a big fan of the SPD loops game that Gief must rely on in SFV.
Give me fast, good range SPDs and alpha 2 buttons and I am good!