SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

@FlyingVe Come back real people can wait they’re not that important

Gotta run. I’ll be back later

People to see, cables to cut.

You know how life goes.

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I’m playing sloppy as shit, a moment might do me well, even if his cables survive.

@FlyingVe outside wills crib like

The best part about losing is when you lose and understand why.

Like, you can’t even be mad when that happens.


I actually think that’s the beauty of fighting games.

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What if it’s against Bison

GGs @Akhos

Sorry I had to cut and run. Have somewhere to be at 8:30.

I like how Kolin plays. Got a lot to learn.

Dammit why you all running from me :frowning:

Anyone else playing tonight

I will be back later if you are around.

Helping out the parents.

Good parents that don’t believe in conspiracy theories and are for vaccinations I hope

I guess I should get back on the horse.

We never lose, we learn.

Tonight I’ve played 2hrs on Ranked, but I need to figured out what to do to be consistent at this game. Practically I didn’t move forward an inch cuz I’m still losing games here and there, I’m still too impatient. After a full day at work the last thing I want to do is spending my time chasing down my opponents, people are too afraid of losing points. In general I’m not used to play against people who sit there doing nothing, I get bored pretty quickly. I’ve something to think about while sleeping tonight.

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You should play with us.

I dunno how connections to Italy hold up

Wasn’t aware he was an Italy-er.

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Words to live by.


Anyone have any tips on doing Ryu’s st.mp~cr.hp~dp~super? I always get the super instead of the dp.