SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Well, damn. I guess I better do that then. Thanks. I did like receiving $380 as cashback from my Costco credit card this year, so I guess I will continue using it lol.

Yeah, just get one, charge all your normal expenses to it, and pay it off each month.

I like the citi group 2% card myself.

Edit: because I read above, don’t take out a bunch of store credit cards. Its not bad to have a few, but some people get carried away.

They are waiting to be purchased!

You are taking too long,she bored.

The CC advice is on point. In my experience it works well so long as you keep it paid down (I try to zero every check but at least every billing cycle to avoid interest).

Where people tend to fuck themselves is getting in further than they can bail out before interest kicks in and that only compounds the problem.

Speaking of building interest, anyone up for games? I have an hour and change.

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I about 15 minutes? I will let you know.

Sounds good. I’ll just be on the Grid trying to figure shit out. Hit me up whenever. :+1:

It might be a touch later than I expected, I will still let you know.

Just in time it seems. @FlyingVe seems you’ve had this planned out since before you came back to SRK, there were some bad splitters in the cables leading to my apartment that finally gave way and caused my internet to go haywire. Too much noise causing repeated and random dropouts.

It looks fixed now, I haven’t noted any drops from my test program in the past several minutes and it’s even pinging a little faster than before (and the technician did a lot of testing of his own of course)…but there’s only one way to know for sure.

@GetTheTables I’ll hop on and send you an invite and we can see if things are back to normal

Some fireballs wars at one offline local here today and this great Sagat pulled this at the end of one the rounds.


It feels satisfying watching Sagat beat Guile.

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@GetTheTables on now

Can’t find the link to the quote but someone on twitter said mr.wiz said ultimate might break sfv’s 5K+ entrants this year. I told you guys a few days ago. I still believe it will.

Yep seems back to normal :slight_smile:


Made it FT1 so everyone gets more playtime.

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Gonna need to fix this connection


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Oh, I’ll “fix” him alright wink

Meter build is so dumb in this game

I almost never have to check it I can always assume I have it


Ed gets confused alright he is still young and figuring his body out.

I hear you about the meter build. After like the first 5 seconds you can pretty much always assume you have EX on deck. And CA ~1/Rd without having to really save for it.