SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

I would much rather play a DB fighting game than a DBZ or DBS inspired one, but alas, that is not going to happen.
Still, Arcsys has one job to do. A shiny and updated Sailor Moon S fighting game, building on the bases that the SNES game set!


Super Dragonballfighterz should be drastically different and even more like marvel imo.

But I’m sure they’ll just add more mechanics and resources and call it a day.

I was gonna make a joke about Flat Earthers sabotaging his connection but that might be too real and I don’t want to risk drawing their ire.

Arksys is usually very aggressive with adding new mechanics and moves. DBFZ has been a break in their normal pattern as far as updates and changes go.

That doesn’t really say anything about a potential sequel, but the company has historically not been against giving their games dramatic shakeups.

I like my planets like I like my pizza!

Covered in meat and folded in half?

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Cheese you psycopathic bastard. The planet should be cheese just like the moon!

But yes, New York pizza is the best, and I have had a lot of the great pizzas. Chicago is a close second. St Louis, while not a pizza city, has a place called Pi pizza that is spectacular.

Trivia: President Obama used to order Pi pizza from the White House, it was that good.

You and Akhos deserve each other. :stuck_out_tongue:

For as much as I love pizza I can’t say I’ve had many exemplary ones. But I doubt upper-middle MD is a pizza mecca or anything.

Chicago and New York are the ones you hear about, and in my travels, rightfully so.

Chicago pizza, if you’ve never had it, its worth trying once. It is radically unlike other types of pizza, but very, very good.

I really can’t think of any drastic shake ups from them outside of strictly game mechanics (some kind of bar or break meter)

Capcom has the most drastic changes in beween games imo, mvc1 is not equal to mvc2 is not equal to mvc3 is not equal to mvci or tvc or any vs title.

Same with there # numbered street fighters, in fact sf5 is probably the most similar to previous games than any other new entree into street fighter and maybe that’s why it kinda sucks sometime. It tries to capture some sf2 some sf3 and some sf4 and fails at it all when its all put together.

Um… every song blaz blue and guilty gear sequel had very radical changes, far more than what you see from say, Capcom unless it is a new numbered entry.

Maybe I just can’t tell from only playing them either slightly or casually I sure can’t tell visually. I haven’t played a blazblue since the 2nd version of the 1st one. And I messed with 3rd some and while its different they both kind of remind me of tekken. If you can play one version you can probably play them all.

edit also maybe that’s why mvc3 sucked too me also after awhile… It felt like it was just trying to be a mvc2…but “easier” mvc3 is the only vs game that kinda felt like it was trying to be like an older one.

They do use the same sprites, so yeah, I can see that. To the untrained eye things visually would look more similiar. Compared to say, SF4>SFV where there is a distinct visual break.

My point was, arksys usually likes to do a lot of crazy stuff to see what sticks. Its typically the opposite extreme from Capcom and their balancing approach. DBFZ has been out of character for them.

For what it’s worth, both have positives and negatives.

Second Episode

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Looks like @Evil_Canadian after someone talks shit about Boon.

Yeah I really want to try Chicago style pizza. Only problem I have right now is that being single again I’d have to eat the whole damn thing myself and that seems like a lot. A challenge I am up to but I need to work out for like a week straight in prep.

They could learn a thing from each other how dope would a capcom vs ark game be and a ark vs capcom game.

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They really could, arksys could use a teaspoon of Capcom a restraint, and Capcom could benefit from a slice of arksys lunacy.

Yeah… if you get Chicago… get a small. Even when I get a small, it’s like two full meals.

Or get a big group to go.

A Sailor Moon fighting game would be Day -20 for me.