SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

To some extent, all FG sequels are the game with reworked mechanics, so I don’t see why that would stop them.

I figure the obvious route if its a roster issue, is just to go Shonen Jump with it. Which would be cool.

Forcing Cammy players to play on the ground makes them think it’s an instant 4-6 against them, it’s hilarious.


Marie Rose is the worst fucking character. Would rather face 1000 Birdies than be reminded that she exists.



Who does it better Karin or Frieza ?




The DBS manga is still going on. New characters a have appeared. There’s Moro who looks sick. Also, currently, they are trying to get the fat Kaio out of fat Buu.

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Instead of going forward, they could go back and build the next game around original DB characters. It’s never going to happen obviously because Z is flashier and more popular, but technically there are more than enough characters in that universe. They’re not even scratching the surface with FighterZ and having five Gokus or so in that game isn’t really helping either.


I’ll say it again,i applaud DBFZ’s success and i really hope they will do more.

However i would really like a Dragon Ball fighting game that’s just 1v1. Same style as DBFZ , same graphics ,just 1v1.


and what exactly should keep them away from making a new dbfz game with new chars? they have plenty left to put in. i am sure we will see in the future a gg style upgrade with a new full price version

It seems DBFZ’s playerbase is shrinking a lot. My guess is that people stuck around because they saw the game’s potential, and were expecting a revision like you mentioned for season 2, which never came.

Haven’t touched the game in awhile. Came back for Jiren, but not enough to keep me playing.

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compared to what? check the steamcharts for the 3d fighter. doesnt stop them to produce more versions of them which apparently sell well enough. the casual audience will buy a new version with new storyline again. when it comes out in a year or two.

comp scene might have shrinked but lets be real, the majority of publishers dont really care about them much in the first place which mirrors down in the pot bonuses for the tours. its more a side thing they are kinda “forced to” due to capcom going in so strong on that front.

i mean lets think about it, even a title with “only” 2million sales, 1% of the playerbase would be still 20 000 people. and thats much more than what you see in term of tourney entrants/population. i bet the majority of games dont even have such a large offline/tourney playerbase.


Their dlc characters have been kinda hit or miss, cooler turned out wack and so did Android 17. they could also bring in other Android’s hell even the Android from Dragon ball what was his name eighter?

Fuck DBZ where is Avatar: BenderZ at?


Snarky question: Why are we always so concerned with weather other games are dead?

Also, if you recall correctly, UMvC3 also saw a sharp drop after its first year. VS style games always winds up this way, at least as far as tournament entrants go.

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I didn’t say the game is dead btw, I just meant I don’t see a sequel outside of a reboot.

There’s nothing stopping them from changing up the mechanics… just like every other fighting game sequel?

I’m not trying to sound pedantic, but I don’t really understand the premise. Nobody asked that question about MvC1, 2, or 3?


Everyone is always excited to play a game at first. Especially something new where no one knows what is going on yet. As people get better and the floor of play comes up it makes sense that people would drop off.

It isn’t too hard to get past the beginning phases of most FGs but sticking with it much past that requires some level of dedication and pushing past the raw fun phase. And in this modern era where this is at least one new FG a quarter (if not a major one then some random thing you can fuck around with) its easy to move on to new shinies.

As for why people care about games are dead that is just good 'ol internet dick waving and rubbernecking. No one who really likes a game cares if it is perceived dead because they are too busy playing it, enjoying it, and trying to get others to play it. The only real use case there is if someone is looking to get into a game and wants to know how big of a scene there is but that isn’t usually the discussion.

Also @Akhos sorry to hear about your internet troubles. Hope that gets sorted out soon.

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Now we know why I can’t throw him. But hey, he broke his lag switch, so now we have a chance.

… yeah, that’s it. Definitely not that I suck… yeah…