SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

None of those are on Crunchyroll :slight_smile: I might check out Ultraman… :joy:

She’s smelly.

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Some Ibuki player once told me her jump arc and normals are bad…That’s about the only thing close to a weakness that i remember reading or hearing and even that isn’t really that…true imo.

Her weakness is dick.

So we need a character with his meat hanging out to handle her. Outside of that, I dunno.


If you play her vs Gief or Birdie you see her weaknesses pretty quickly.



You know, when the season 2 patch came out and the game was fucking nuts, I made a post defending all that bulllshit form being nerfed. I’d been trying to figure out what was it that I saw then. This is basically it. Game is already kind of a clusterfucker, so the options are to make it lukewarm bullshit or make it crazy fun bullshit that the people who like the game enjoy.

We’re headed down the lukewarm bullshit timeline but it doesn’t seem to have made things better in terms of the games identity. you aren’t going to make players like me happy because we just don’t like the mechanics. So now everything gets some type of nerf and nobody is happy.


I feel like this is going to be a big topic of discussion as far as FG design goes.

So big dicks like DD just said ?


They increased V-Skills disadvantage on block. Particularly on 4F characters, you could spam it with little fear of reprisal with proper spacing. LK Vanity steps duration was increased by 9F. They had to increase the projectile invincibility to compensate. The change to Vanity step was huge. Kolin lost a lot of setups. Hailstorm shenanigans come to mind. It really hurt her outside of VT2 and is part of the reason why VT1 Kolin is much weaker than before. You still can get shenanigans in VT2, VT1 not so much. It is part of the reason people were freaking out about Kolin’s changes in Season 3.


I like Ibuki. SF6 should keep her and get rid of evil ryu, I mean, Kage, I mean Akuma.


Long as they don’t give Kolin a command grab I’m fine. I’ll deal with air reset left/rights.

Not sure why you posted that but I’m not complaining.


I don’t think she has good buttons and her jump arc sucks.

Like dj said, try that ninja stuff against birdie/gief and you’ll see how well her buttons hold up.

v skill f.hk

Basically her buttons are solid vs short ranged characters (Cammy outbuttons her even, but yeah) and pretty shit vs big boys outside of lucky counter pokes. The big boys have armor to eat up her V Skill so its less effective in those matchups. Despite that she does well vs Abigail since you can just spin around on him as soon as you knock him down. Birdie and Gief can still mash frame one armor and you can’t play shimmy games with a metered Gief.

Her wide jump arc is good for EX kunai shenanigans and far cross setups, but not so much once you’re close to them.

They don’t care bout those buttons.

Even Juri outbuttons/neutrals her, she’s just cheaper when she gets in than Juri.

She has some good counterpoke stuff to make other people nervous. Her fHK (the hop kick thing) just straight eats a lot of things, and her cMP seems like a really good punisher.

that fucking mouse cursor at the end, think nobody would see it and get triggered huh

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see @Daemos this is how you downplay

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