SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Downplaying a top3 character… Cool

If she isnt top 1 then she still has holes in her plan.

Ibuki doesn’t just roll you cause her buttons are amazing though. She bullshits you in other ways.

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Been downplaying characters longer than most of us have been playing fighting games. You are not on his downplay level.


Think I’m gonna upgrade Mika from secondary to main this season. :face_with_monocle:

Definitely getting the most mileage out of her and I don’t have to deal with Sakura/Boxer vs gief/birdie or other bs.

Mika v akuma or bison is maddd lol worthy. I get them niggas so shook. Lmao

The last GM Ibuki I fought against said the way our match played out was exactly the same as a match he saw with Fujimura vs a Falke player. Basically get lucky in neutral and hope it plays out because she out buttons her and takes care of most of her forward jump arc shit pretty easily.

Sakura vs Ibuki is pretty similar. Only really can fish with s.LK and jump a lot. That’s how @Paradise was able to beat me earlier today. He used to play Ibuki but now he’s on the honest Sakura life.

The Cammy bandwagon needs to start again so I can PP and f+HP them to death.

I’m no expert, but does Falke beat cammy? In my minds eye I can’t see a way that’s not in Cammy favor?

Your minds eye need glasses.
Cammy can’t jump or dive kick without being knocked out of the sky and Falke out ranges her badly.

I’d say it’s 4.5-5.5 in Falke’s favor. It’s not terrible for Cammy but it’s not easy either.

So cammy dice kick isn’t enough to throw off the AA I guess?

Cammy and Falke are dumb characters so I’m not worried about being on either side of that matchup.

Falke’s PP Anti Air stops Cammy’s air approach pretty easily. Some people were counter picking Cammy with Falke last season.


every day I find the same Abigail online, his whole plan is cr.hk at round start, nitro charge 24/7 and full screen VTII, every day I kick the shit out of him and despite that he gets more points everyday, I started running into him when he was super gold and now he has almost 9k points, it’s incredible how such a gameplan seems to be effective at this level

RIP Keith, guess I’ll play some SFV and listen to Prodigy later. The fuck we have no “fire” characters in SFV.



I just saw you on stream. I have only one thing to show you, and you will understand.

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he is not hot, but on fire

Who is that? Looks like Ken but not sure.

V-Skill aside, this hurt me for like a month before I got back into the grove. They actually made light.Vanity into hail impossible to use right so the gimmicks you had both mid screen and in the corner were fucking gone.

I still try to do that and the hail just wont come out. This usually leads me to getting jumped on.

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Would you all play a 2D plain Tekken game?

I have Tekken on GBA.

So no… I wouldn’t recommend that.

Was hoping they would explore the option for SFx if that’s still happening :^(