
Ah there it is.

Another 7 hours

Steam users can start downloading now, FYI.

ooo Jazzy NYC menu music.

Update is also live on PSN. I had to restart the download a couple of times, though.

Thanks to the Dataminers I suspect it’s the training stage with a glow. So you might be correct.

Is there a reward for completing the trials? I did some of them last night, but after I realized I was not and could not be logged in to CFN at the time so I was wondering if maybe that’s why.

oh, if you would just read the links… fight money is the reward.

Couldn’t find any mention of this on the first page but is in game voice chat supported during cross play?


Not at the moment.

A couple of questions for anyone:

-Throw invincibility on wakeup? I’ve heard 2 frames thrown around locally. Any truth to this?
-Difference in wakeup timing between backroll and quickrise on wakeup? Number of frames?

Don’t know the number of frames but back quickrise definitely takes a little bit longer to finish animating.

hardened states have 2 frames of throw invincibility, wakeup QR is 19 frames, back rise is 23.

Rage quits will be further addressed for April’s update.

meh I’d rather hear get some info on the zenny shop and dlc character for this month… oh and Ken’s face.

“We’re also happy to announce that we will be implementing a system to punish players who frequently disconnect during matches (aka rage quitters).
The way this will work is the system will identify players who have high disconnect rates during matches and will lock them out of matchmaking for a period of time. Players who have been identified as abusing the system will receive an in-game message notifying them they have been locked out of matchmaking. More additions and enhancements to this system will be implemented in the future.”

So rage quitters just get a time out? I don’t see how that fixes anything.

they should get their LP and FM taken away. The other player should be rewarded a win with LP and FM.

Just make any disconnect a loss, jesus christ what the fuck Capcom.


Remember, there’s no Zenny store yet so everyone gets to play Guile for free immediately at launch. The airplane stage is free but requires 70000 FM. Season passers get the stage unlocked immediately with no FM requirement

Wasn’t season pass holders supposed to get a stage no one else got as a thank you? This better not be it.

Supposed to, but since the Zenny store isn’t available yet I imagine they’re saving that for later. If they’re still doing it.