No, they haven’t said anything. All I need is Chun in hindsight I should’ve preordered from PSN and bought the others via other means. I thought there was a code for everyone.
As one of the people who was really looking forward to the premium costumes. The delay of the zenny shop is a real kick in the nuts !
And since they mention that future DLC will be available for trial as well until zenny is implemented, that kinda suggests that it will take at least one more month until they add Zenny.
Better variety as lines and colors, and more reasoned color-scheme. I’m not even taking in consideration fanservice, even if Laura being sexy and showing skin are closely related parts of her chara design and concept
I love good mods but the myth of zomg modders are better designers than capcom is ever laughable
ps: and tbh a surprising quality nude Chun Li mod got released days ago, let’s not pretend part of the fanbase is’nt that desperate
And that’s pretty damn lame. Because i really wanted to buy Cammy’s premium costume.
I still don’t understand if season pass owners are getting the premium for Cammy, Bison, Ryu and Chun as well or just the premium for future DLC characters.
If they are smart they will make us SP owners privileged as fuck, potentially these are good money for SFV if capcom can convince peoples get a SP is worth the price
Zeni, of course I’m ghetto as fuck, must of forgot all of those Peacefuljay rants.
As far as the colors and lines etc. the mod isn’t done. Still looks better than Laura’s Bonita ALT. Even tho…I do like the legs…but her top is overdose