I was considering buying the season pass back when the game launched, but I don’t recall anything about it including stages. It was just described as free and immediate access to DLC characters and premium costumes. I know last month they said that season pass owners will get a free stage, but I don’t think they said anything about the stage being exclusive to them; I just took it to mean that season pass owners won’t need to spend FM or Zenny on it.

I honestly may be wrong, but I’d be really surprised if capcom made any significant content tied to buying the season pass. Even the limited/deluxe Japanese edition only gave you some extra colors.

You guys are right just checked the notes from last month, free stage but nothing about it being exclusive.

Good because I’m out of Fm. Need to get my cash up though if I want guile story mode costume and additional colors.

yeah I splurged on story mode costumes and colors. 70,000 free is just what I need.

what’s Guile’s super motion? is it charge like his old one or like Blanka’s or motion?


Look like charge back, f, b, f

guile looks good. When is be available for play?

No confirmation yet, but you’ll know pretty soon.

Played 10 ranked matches today. 6 of them were rage quitters. Why is rage quitting so much more common now than it was in SF4???

Because niggas are stupid. And, so is Capcom to a degree when it comes to dealing with issues like these.

Hey guys this is not a rage quit but we have evidence of this player boosting league points. I honestly hope Capcom has a plan to deal with this. You can see this guy who is a know rage quitter had 12 matches with the same guy, I recorded 3 of those and it’s obvious boosting.


So aside from quitters we got boosters too? That’s just great!

Where do you get that Ryu colour I don’t see it in survival rewards.

how is it possible to get matched vs the same guy over and over? damn

I posted this on reddit

It’s probably color 14 or 15 for Ryu. Meaning you have to get your Ryu’s character level to level 40 or 50 to unlock it in the zenny store.

Because in SF4 you would lose points for rage quitting. In SFV there is basically no penalty, other than looking like the bitch you are.

That guy’s legit - can’t even link Ryu’s Solar Plexus into a combo or special move.

thats color 13

14 will require level 25

15 will require level 50

Is this true?


Just letting people know that as soon as Guiles release date is announced I’ll have the info here. Strangely nothing yet, but I guess thats better than waiting for release date for a trailer