I was considering buying the season pass back when the game launched, but I don’t recall anything about it including stages. It was just described as free and immediate access to DLC characters and premium costumes. I know last month they said that season pass owners will get a free stage, but I don’t think they said anything about the stage being exclusive to them; I just took it to mean that season pass owners won’t need to spend FM or Zenny on it.
I honestly may be wrong, but I’d be really surprised if capcom made any significant content tied to buying the season pass. Even the limited/deluxe Japanese edition only gave you some extra colors.
Hey guys this is not a rage quit but we have evidence of this player boosting league points. I honestly hope Capcom has a plan to deal with this. You can see this guy who is a know rage quitter had 12 matches with the same guy, I recorded 3 of those and it’s obvious boosting.
Just letting people know that as soon as Guiles release date is announced I’ll have the info here. Strangely nothing yet, but I guess thats better than waiting for release date for a trailer