I agree. Even if they still manage to release him in March, they’re still messing up badly. Between releasing the game in a near-beta state, server and matchamking issues, laughable content at premium price and now this horrible communication policy on updates, it seems like they’re actively trying to destroy the SF brand for everyone but tournament players/stream monsters. It’s like they keep sending trains at the trainwreck site before cleaning it up.

Even tournament players are fans of the franchise. I’m pretty sure thats why Infiltration shoehorned “we want Alex Trailer!” as oppose to actually giving a victory speech.

They could have dropped a trailer last week, used it to show off alex and talk about the patch AND advertise FR19 and NCR while explaining that they were waiting until after the first two majors to drop the patch.

Instead everyone hates them for their clear incompetence and seeming malevolence. How has this company survived for so long?

Capcom has been abusing their nostalgia armor for quite some time to get by. Really kind of hoping that shit breaks one of these days, but the power of the past and fanboys is strong. I don’t wish SFV to flop, but a part of me does, just because I’m afraid if it somehow succeeds, Capcom will make their way to the nearest blacksmith and repair that shit, and then they can go another 10 years of making terrible decisions.

Then you have those two guys working for Capcom who release an amazing port of Dragon’s Dogma to steam, that sells insanely well without any advertisement. Hm… Hm… 5% of Capcom’s staff knows what they’re doing.

Patch info is out: http://www.capcom-unity.com/haunts/blog/2016/03/24/sfv-march-update---release-date-and-new-details

*Hey everyone!

We have some exciting news to share today: the long awaited March update that contains Alex will be releasing next week in two separate drops. Hit the jump for more details!

The first drop will take place on March 28 (MON) and contains the following content:

Challenge Mode
Demonstrations: Learn the ins and outs of Street Fighter V through helpful demonstration and tutorial content. Contains content for each of the 16 characters, as well as advice geared towards players of all skill levels:
Beginner Tutorials: 12 lessons covering, movement, normal attacks, special attacks, V-System, throws, counter hits, chip/recoverable damage, etc.
Intermediate Tutorials: 11 lessons covering projectiles, invincibility frames, armor and armor break, recovery, cross-up attacks, anti-air options, etc.
Advanced Tutorials: 4 lessons covering back dashing, frame advantage/disadvantage, combo potential, button priority, etc.
Character Tutorials: 16 lessons covering each individual character.
Trials: Put your skills to the ultimate test with combo trials for all 16 characters, ranging from basic to pro combos. Completing Trials will also earn you some extra Fight Money.
Online Rematch Option
Salty from a close loss online? Want revenge? Players can now play a 2/3 set in Ranked Match and Casual Matches, provided both players accept the rematch.

Battle Lounge Improvements
Enjoy up to 8 person lobbies, complete with match spectating.
Bug fixes and gameplay balancing
Various game bugs have been fixed, along with minor gameplay balancing. For more details please see the previous post.

The second drop will take place on March 30 (WED) at 10AM PT and contains the following content:

Alex + related character story content
In-Game Shop
Fight Money Expenditure: Spend your hard earned Fight Money to purchase extra game content, such as DLC characters (100,000 FM each) and the Story Mode Costumes (40,000 FM each).
One feature that will not be making it into the March update will be the Zenny (real money) functionality of the in-game shop. We have taken a long hard look at this part of the store, and after much review, have decided it is not ready to launch just yet. As Zenny is purchased with real money, we wanted to be extra careful and make sure it’s fully tested and optimized before launching it. There is currently no ETA on the Zenny store and we will release it as soon as it’s ready.

We realize that this causes an inconvenience to fans who want to purchase the DLC characters, such as Alex, but do not have enough Fight Money or own the Season Pass. To address this, we will be making Alex available for free as a trial period to all players, until the Zenny shop launches. This also will apply to any future DLC character that releases prior to the Zenny shop launching. Once the Zenny shop launches, the free trial for any DLC characters that released prior to the Zenny shop opening will end, and players will need to either use Fight Money, Zenny, or the Season Pass to access those characters.

Any DLC character related content (such as costumes) that is purchased with Fight Money during the trial period will remain in your account once the trial period ends, but you’ll need to purchase Alex to use that content. The same goes for colors and character progress, etc. that are earned during the trial period; everything will be saved, you’ll just need to purchase the character to resume your progress once the trial period ends.

As a special bonus to our Season Pass users, they will be the only ones who will be able to access the premium costumes of the DLC characters until the Zenny shop launches, and they also get to keep character access once the free trial period ends. Additionally, we will be giving all Season Pass users a free, brand new stage in the near future!

Finally, as a way of saying thanks for everyone’s patience and understanding throughout the beta phases and game launch we will be making Ryu and Chun-Li’s story mode costumes available for free to all users on March 30 as well. This is an 80,000 Fight Money value, almost the full value of a DLC character.

Thank you for continuing to support Street Fighter V and we promise that the game will continue to improve from here on out. More new updates, fixes and support for other pressing issues like rage quitters are in the works and we hope to have more information to share soon.

Until next time!*

Colors in shop, as expected.

hopefully they are additional colors. I want the ones Japan got in their limited edition release.

Good. I don’t have to watch NCR anymore.


lol I’m still looking forward to NCR. Want to see if Infiltration takes another event.

So the patch adds better battle lounge, that’s cool.

However, where is the support for keyboard users or other controllers ? We can’t even buy the premium costumes.

Quite a let down i must say, i expected a bit more.The character trials are close to useless,you can learn better from youtube videos.

Sales were low so their in game currency plans went out the window. Now they’re going to start pushing the season pass hard as a way to exploit their fans and up their arpu.

At least they’re finally getting the tutorial content in there. Hopefully its good.

As a side note, between this video and their character previews they’re really better off using a vocoder to do their video voiceovers. You couldn’t find humans less charismatic than who they chose.

Ryu and Chun-Li’s outfits free? What about Bison and Cammy? Those should be free too.

Nothing against ragequitters ? WTF Capcom, set your priorites straight.

They mentioned a permanent fix will come in the future, but yeah sucks for now.

I wish they would add a region filter and an option to search more skilled, still this update sounds pretty good.

Lol @ all the “capcom is soooo terrible blah blah” (paraphrasing!) shit just because people can’t wait for shit. Not saying there aren’t problems, but the lack of patience is kind of ridiculous. They said March, we’re getting it in March. Goddamn. They’re giving us free shit too as an apology for problems and the wait (which wasn’t long, and within the promised window). Did anyone honestly think they were going to release shit right before two Capcom Pro Tour events?

It does strike me as interesting that this is being released after the pro tour events are done. Makes me wonder if that was part of the plan.

That wouldn’t surprise me. If they have learned anything from other developers, then they know that folks get real upset when you patch right before tourney time. MK pulled that shit right before CEO a while back.

Luckily Capcom has things set much better than NRS. Capcom is mostly just fixing esoteric bugs and OSs. Stuff they didn’t intend. Everything else that gets discovered and the characters themselves will stay intact until Capcom Cup finals.

No laundry list balance changes to frame data and how your character works after you get off work on a Thursday. What they changed wouldn’t really effect NCR much at all, but its nice to see they’re looking out for the small things. This will be the one fighting game where competitive players can know they can just play.