What the hell are you blabbing about? Damn you’re autistic. Using mods is the same as the player base complaining about how it’s hard to unlock the colors they want. It’s self pleasing to the user to have optimal customization.
There’s a distinction between ‘communicating to other players through color choice / titles / whatever’ (which is only possible through the official stuff at the moment) and uh… ‘self pleasing’, as you put it. You’re free to whack that pinata however you see fit, my friend!
Being into modding is like being a hardcore vegan. You don’t have to ask them about it, they’ll tell you. :shake:
You’re still a idiot. Let’s wrap this up so the thread can get back on track.
-Will Capcom have (before the year is over) “Zenny” outfits the current playable cast. Will it in the March Update?
-SF4 PC modding since the beginning has been client side only. It was never meant to be flaunted online. Nobody in their right mind would say the above, not even Eventhubs who showcases the mods.
-No matter what choice you make both have one main goal. To make you resonate with that character more. Color plays a huge psychological role in gaming. Let’s not forget how Blanka’s festival alternative triggered us. It’s just that PC players get the upper hand in not only having Capcom made ALTs, we also have modded ALTs. And we can even mod the Capcom ALTs for more bang.
-There are shitters who actually care about how and what people mod in gaming (they even show concern for you and your dick.) Even when them their self said “You won’t be able to see it.” These people support the censorship in SFV and should be burned in a pit.
Now you guys can get back on topic. I hope Capcom releases alternatives as fast as the modding community will.
Any website with a lot of users will not doubt be considered “Toxic” It’s just how things work since the Internet became “”“Mainstream”"" in the last decade.
People are assholes. Can’t get rid of them once they arrive.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen as much racism and sexism here as I have on any other venue. Like two threads down there’s a dude saying the Japanese are super good at fighting games because they’re too small for sports so they have to dedicate their big brains to mastering every other pursuit.
The way Capcom is teasing us with this March update is like having your super hot girlfriend suddenly texting you that she’s going to suck your dick and you rush to her place, she’s dressed in lingerie, doing a dirty dance for you. Smiles at you and plays the Rashidooo music on radio and tells you “Sorry not today lol”.