Thats kinda what I thought because of the word premium.

Aesthetic stuff may end up being obtainable only through real money

Only thing they guaranteed is that you will have a “free” (if you consider grind for days free) option to get gameplay stuff:

-gameplay new stuff (example a 2nd CA or a 2nd VT)

Is possible (likely) you will still have to pay to get some costumes (Premium?) and maybe some stages too

Still no Alex

The way I see it, nothing is guaranteed free until I see it. Stuff like characters, patches, 6yrs of support, etc are just promises. If sales dry up so will support.

I lold @ Infiltration asking for an Alex trailer in his winning speech at Final Round XIX.

Based Infil

Taking the fight straight to Capcom

Wins a thousand man tournament and simply asks for a Alex trailer for the people. Then they play some music and pretend to cut the stream O.o

Infiltration returned to his planet imho


Welp, PSN updates on Tuesdays, so you’ve either got tomorrow (the 22nd) or next Tuesday (the 29th).

Chances are they tested it… and it bricked some systems so hold up.

Bad job by the community managers in communicating or hyping anything. Everybody who doesn’t care about ‘teh esports streams’ is out in the cold right now.

They could have at least released a character trailer and generated a bit of hype and community goodwill. I am so perplexed that apparently no one working at Capcom has a rig with premiere and fraps. It’d take me like four hours to make a good 30 second character trailer.

Capcom I’m willing. I’d have it done tomorrow.

Chun, Cammy, Ryu, Bison only have Premium outfits…so what about the rest of the cast? Guess those will release in the winter.

Mean while the mod community will have over 200 mods and about 50 hand-made mods before July.

I think the premium outfits will be revealed with the store update don’t you think? There have been a few instances where reviewers talked about seeing the premium alts already. Since we know all DLC characters will have a premium alt it should be safe to assume all characters will have one.

Well until the Official Alex Trailer comes, here’s the Official Alex Trailer

look on the description of the season pass. it mentions premium costumes for each of the 6 upcoming characters.

lol…and read what I said “the rest of the cast” which means the characters that we are already using…not character we won’t see until 2017 the way Capcom is handling releases…

don’t be a sheep

…that no one else playing will ever see.

smh…Mods in SF was never met to show off…it’s self-pleasing…speaking of mods…I have some R Mika colors I need to release in a bit

'Splains why so much of it is to remove clothes rather than change them.

If you keep saying players won’t see the mods then why the fuck do you even care if people remove clothing?
I get it
You support Bruce Jenner

Nobody wants to hear about your love life. :lol:

There are people who really really care about mods and fan fiction and whatever, and there’s everybody else.