How do you keep an idiot in suspense? I’ll tell ya later.

I’m level 28 with Zangief and level 28 overall. Alex is the only character I want to use other then Zangief. This is taking forever!!! I paid $60 for 2 characters. Lol

It can also build the most apathy.

yeah apathy levels are higher than hype right now

The apathetic hype is building. As there appears to be nothing in the darkness, but for those that can see in the dark they know Alex is waiting.

It’s actually not that bad. I mean It would be fucking awesome if they released Alex right this second but with the lack of the update I’ve been actually playing with every single character in the roster.

Just seen combo in the airport. Everyone in Atlanta will be playing Alex tomorrow.

Rest of you plebs are waiting until Tuesday.

The Pokken overlords will keep me company as I wait for the Black Sheep Alex.

Alex trailer would be great today, and then people getting to try him out tomorrow whoooooooooooooooo shit that would be so tight. Though at this point I won’t lose my sanity anymore if he isn’t even revealed till the end. The wait has made me patient.

IMO if he gets revealed - it wont be until before top 8 on sunday.

Is there confirmation that the Alex trailer is coming this weekend?

No, that’s the part where peoples start believe opinions in theyr mind are actually confirmed solid facts of the world.

Next step is be mad at capcom for not following the plan in theyr head

Said that i think is probable to happen, tbh they should have released it earlier… imho they’re sticking to some release dates planned before the game launch, they should adapt to the new situation

Waiting waiting… Bought a season pass last night


So I’m looking at the “Season Pass” on PSN… are these premium costumes for the DLC characters only obtainable through the pass or can you spend fight money on it? Please and thank you.

I think Capcom said all this shit will be earnable in game.

That said, I wouldn’t put it past them to make the fight money costs so high that it’s neigh impossible to obtain them through normal play.

The word on the town was that any premium costumes like the Chun Li dress and Zoolander Bison would have to be paid for with real money/Zenny. If true, that basically means you can’t buy them with fight money.

Story mode outfits and colors will be purchaseable with fight money.

Premium costumes can only be purchased with zenny.

Capcom said no such thing. They said anything not gameplay related can be purchased with FM. Premium costumes can only be purchased with zenny or as pre order gifts. For instance fight money isn’t going to get you that cammy aviator alt, you are going to have to spend money.

I’m going to hold that then. Not about to spend 30 hard earned Canadian dollars on something I might be able to get through playing the game…

The characters can be earned with FM, their premium costumes will not.

However they should have another alt like every other character earn able with FM.