SF4 Akuma Combos

I’ve been polishing c.mp, st.hp links. It’s my new favorite starting punish. So meaty.

@ makistar thanks dude, it’s hard to see the increase but i never thought of lsrk to red ball. i know the last ex use is redundant when all you really need is one to get off. wether you want the last hit is up to the player because like you said it does become weaksauce in the end, still a valid combo though.

Riddle Me This Major Problem:

j.hk, lk tatsu, fpdp = 5 hits, 322 damage.

j.hk, c.lk, lk tatsu, fpdp = 6 hits, 309 damage!


Scaling = subsequent hits do less damage. NonScaled = if a normal strike would do 70 damage and you hit for a theoretical 5 hits = 5 x 70 = 350 damage. SCALED would mean 1st hit = 70, 2nd = 65, 3rd = 60, 4th = 55, 5th = 50 = 300.

Logic would state that a 6th hit would be +45 damage for a total of 345.

How does a 6th hit do less total damage than 5 hits of the SAME combo line?

I fear this advocates to more primitave play style?

Umh… I’m getting 255-260 with J. HK, LK tatsu, HP SRK. Try it again and check.

EDIT: Nevermind. I just did it again, and I got 322 like you did. I’m doing it against Ryu. Wut De Efff!!!..

2nd EDIT: Anyone try this? EX Zanku, j. HP, c. HP, LP Tatsu, EX SRK = 423 damage (8 hits).

3rd EDIT: I’m trying to break this down. With the first combo, I get 100 (100% damage) on the J. HK, 70 (100% damage) on the LK tatsu, then 64-48-40 (80% damage) for the HP SRK = 322 damage. For the 2nd combo, I get 100 (100% damage) on the J. HK, 20 (100% damage) on the c. LK, 56 (80% damage) on the LK Tatsu, then 56-42-35 (70% damage) on the HP. SRK = 309 damage.

So that’s why the dicrepancy. In the first combo, you’re only really doing 3 separate moves. The first and second hit at 100%, then the third (the SRK) comes out at 80% damage to end it. But in the 2nd combo, by the time you get to the SRK (which is the 4th move), your damage has scalled down to 70% giving you less hit points. It’s fucked up, but the math doesn’t lie…

…which is why you do:

j.hk/df, c.mp/hp, lk tatsu, fpdp

the c.lk/c.lp link is only for the s.hk combo.

great thread! thanks for the info

Right. Though I still can’t get my timing for the c. MP into c. HP to come out in the combo and I get vic’d midway through by a reversal to the face.

Still, even just replacing the c. LK with c. HP before the LK tatsu should give better damage at that point.

EX SRK = Waste

In a combo that is. It does the same damage as a normal HP SRK, but gives you invincibility frames.

Dear all,
this is a great forum here. I have a question abou Akuma’s combo **c.LP-c.LP, c.LP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP **Sometimes it is guaranteed and sometimes the light hurricane whiffs … I also noticed that after Dive kick the combo is unavoidable. Please can you explain ? I also noticed that the combo works on standing opp and not crouching. :hitit:
Thank you in advance.

With the links cr lp-cr lp, cr lp vs cr lp-cr lp, cr lk, is the cr lk link any harder seeing if i read right the cr lk comes out a frame slower than cr lp? Would this mean you had 1 less frame to hit the link? Or do i have my info/thinking on this wrong.

sorry to dodge your question but if you are linking it should be to cr.MP imo.

only reason i use more than 2 cr.lp or cr.lk is to continue a blockstring i dont want to get reversed out of

Yeah, but I can only seem to hit that combo with the EX SRK for some reason. If I try HP SRK, I whiff… Must be my timing, but oh well, if it works for me.

Hmm is it the same frame link or is mp harder? I was under the impression cr mp might push the opponent out of range for a light hurricane? If that’s not the case then yeh cr mp saves a lot of trouble seeing as you can either go fireball or tatsu, although the actual execution might be harder i guess.

links that go to other buttons are much more easier for me. i mean instead of 3 cr.lps i find it easier to cr.lpx2 then cr.mp. idk about pushing people out of range and stuff though.

And after a while with damage scaling you end up losing damage by the time you do a BnB.

I would still recommend getting the HP variation down because you aren’t always going to have a bubble to waste.

=O! Time for some new combos soon!


ON [2] After a full focus attack doesn’t DP+MP, FADC, HCB+HP do the most damage? I know without a FA it does. The only reason to DP+LP is after a BnB because of damage and hit scaling. (Still there is only a 10-20 damage difference) and I find it alot easier to perform the DP+MP, FADC, HCB+HP than the DP+LP because the time you have (enemy airborne-wise), and you get hit confirm time.

I didn’t see this on the original post.

Out of a focus attack you can back dash and do your HK into what ever combo you would like. Just have to make sure to HK as soon as you can or else the kick resets your foe instead of combos.

It was under jumping scroll down the list of combos and you’ll see focus in bold the second one is the one I am referring to. The MK+MP Full DP+LP FADC QCB HP instead it should be DP+MP because of the 25-30 more damage.

I think we could try to work on some combos with EX tatsumaki and add them to the list.