i think its all in your mind
I use that quick combo as well, I was amazed it hits at all, especially with the wake up srks and stuff people can use … Kinda high risk, but Akuma is a high risk char anyways
An interesting property I have noticed is that will most often spit your foe out the backside which is useful if you have your back to a wall and manage to land a c.MK. You can send them flying up against the wall and be able to follow it up with a HP.DP
Yes the HP version has a slightly better error range. The LP version won’t connect if you wait too long. The HP is a little less picky.
or they have the same exact startup frames?
the start up is 3 frames for all of Akuma’s DP
They have identical starting frames, but the LP version doesn’t like to juggle foes that are close to the ground. Could be a smaller hit box. If you have good timing though it doesn’t matter.
Yeah, I tend to do that quite often, the only thing you have to worry about is that if you’re crossing up with j.MK into the corner, that you have to throw out another move before ex tatsu otherwise it’ll spit them away from the corner. To clarify I mean to say that c.MK, MP, HP or whatever is the only way to ensure they go behind you. I think maybe based on number of hits from your position, that that may determine which way the character flies? Just a thought.
It is actually the side your target is on when the last hit occurs. I notice the number of hits and also how far away your target started factor into this. I think the c.MK pushes the target far enough out so that the target initially takes two hits on the same side which ends him on the other side.
so my eyes have glazed over reading the combos here.
So I’m relatively new to Akuma, but he’s the only character I like after trying almost the entire cast, so I’m going to use him and get used to his glass jaw (just avoid getting hit, right?).
So I’ve recently nailed the following:
- Light tatsu —> HP shoryuken link
- FADC —> RD
- a decent cross up game with Air fireballs
I suck at wake up teleport, so I get punished easily when I get frustrated and forget the fundamentals (such as blocking).
Any good links or combos you guys would recommend learning next? Something relatively easy but useful?
My favourite easy punisher:
c.HP -> light Tatsu -> heavy SRK
I occasionally EX demon flip kick into that to punish Sagat the faggot projectile spamming for 360-ish damage.
Also, c.lp -> c.mp -> fireball is a nice block string too
c.MK xx Fireball is probably the most important combo to learn.
i disagree, its not even a true blockstring i get srkd from it alot.
Yes it is… If you execute it properly SRK doesn’t go through it… Unless maybe you’re doing it from very close range…
no its not…if you do it from far range its DEFINITELY not because you push them out of range of the FB
Is Akuma’s cMK -> FB different from Ryu’s? I’ve tried spamming SRK against that and it’s never worked for me… only online though I guess.
training mode. record feature. playback feature. use them. GLORY
Yeah I’ll have to do that when I get home because I still don’t believe that you can SRK through that… what char’s SRK is hitting you on that? Sakura? Sagat? Ken?
i recorded myself doing cr.lpx2, cr.mkxxFB that got reversed
then i did cr.mkxFB that got reversed
then cr.lpx2,cr.mpxxFB that didnt got reversed
i was just ryu and spammed srk
edit: i just reversed the mp version…i hate sfiv
Damn really? I thought the canceled cMK kept them in blockstun long enough to get the fireball out… Is the fireball not even coming out at all, or does it come out and Ryu goes right through it and hits you even though it looks like he missed your hitbox completely?
Definitely is good to know though… Spam SRK against other shotos during block strings I guess.