If he had more health he wouldn’t have to play such a beastly keep away game :rofl:

More health would be cool. I’m tired of losing cause of one mistake… I’m only human :frowning:

Actually i bet 90% of all the people sending me hatemail about Seth being too good wouldn’t be able to beat a decent Sagat or Ryu even after they played for 2 weeks straight using only Seth…if they actually did devote time they’d realise just how nervewrecking it is to play with the lowest HP char in the game, knowing that (for example) if Sagat has hit you twice with a s.HK, you better nog let him land an ultra or you’re out, so no i think devoting time to him does not make you “realise he’s better” but it might make these haters realise he’s not godlike…

As i see it Seth is a neat character design who is well rounded, his strong zoning game is balanced by his low health and damage output. He has one single problem thoughand that is his j.HP. Now, he definitely should keep it, it fits his game. But while sim also has it the difference between Seth and sim that makes it so overpowered for Seth, is that Seth lands much faster and thus can use it much too often. It allows him to control too much space too effortlessly, but it also allows him to counter most anything way too easily.

It doesn’t need to be slowed down or have damage reduced, that’s fine as it is. It needs a landing animation.

Check it: as it is, when he lands the stretched arms just magically disappear as he recovers instantly and can do anything he wants. Not only does it look ridiculous but it also creates a ridiculous advantage for him for such an easy-to-do move. What it needs is a landing animation similiar to Ryu landing from an air tatsu, where he simply kneels a bit for about 10 frames. He could still punish most of anything with it, but now he can no longer use it as a constant keepaway tool.

While I don’t think it would do a whole lot for the gief matchup I believe such a small, simple change would make fighting him much more tolerable / less infuriating for most of everyone.

bisse, it’s not used for punishing, it’s used for zoning. it wouldn’t be a small change. it would be a big stupid change.

i hate this thread so much.


if you want i will go into detail but i really don’t feel like trying any more. hopefully capcom knows better.

Far s.hp is used for punishing all fireballs that aren’t Sakura and low Tiger Shots and, when SSF4 comes out, Dee Jay’s fireballs. J.hp isn’t as effective at punishing.

more hp and more cloned moves
he should definitely have some charge moves

I like #1.

To the people saying “Seth is my main, don’t change him!”… he probably won’t be the only one that changes, and Seth players won’t be the only ones that feel the need to switch mains.

I think Seth is fine balance wise. But IMO, Seth matches are annoying to play and god awful to watch, and I’m probably not the only one. If my opinion is the popular one than that’s reason enough to change him.

the thing is he doesn’t need to change. if he does change a little for the worse or for the better, fine.

but something you need to realise is that what most people are proposing aren’t changes like “trade SRK shouldn’t juggle into ultra” or “don’t let f+hk juggle into itself”. These are changes like “srk fadc ultra shouldn’t work” or “tiger knee should always be -10 frames unsafe.”

with regards to #1: completely redesigning him means removing a unique character from the game and putting a new one in its place, instead of just creating a new one. as is he doesn’t dominate, isn’t dominated, and takes skill to play well. Should we remove 'sim because even though he’s fine balance wise, it’s annoying to play against him and often boring to watch him be played?

This is the kind of ignorance that caused algol to get banned.


by which i mean inexperience with the character and treating him as if he’s the only character with good moves instead of comparing him against the rest of the cast (or at least the top tier).

Keep all his moves and frames, give him 50-100 more stamina and stun and we’re good. That’s really all he needs.

he has way too many moves to be stronger…though 750 is pretty bad lmao

Gouken - total moves in framedata list: 73, 1000HP
Abel - total moves in framedata list: 62, 1100HP
Akuma - total moves in framedata list: 67, 850HP
El Fuerte - total moves in framedata list: 66, 900HP
Seth - total moves in framedata list: 61, 750HP

So using your theory Gouken, Abel, Akuma and Elf all should have less than 750HP…tell you what, let’s just add 100HP to Seth and call it even eh?

I don’t see why people seem to feel he needs NEW moves. The whole awesomeness of Seth is his moves are awesomeness personified, just ultra weak, and he has a worse glass jaw than Glass Jaw Joe from punchout.

Anywho, how can people say that changes to him would make them change mains

People actually MAIN seth? He’s a great character, don’t get me wrong, but I highly doubt anybody here REALLY mains him like a beast, with the exception of a handful of scrubs.
And aside from the aforementioned stupid idea of changing his movelist (rather than my idea of ADDING to it, which seems more likely considering the Ono interview), there would be no reason to drop him in SSFIV

everyone is getting buffed in the new game probably. with seth I think they should give him a bit more health and then leave it at that. maybe make his ultra a touch more damaging. nothing too drastic, he is one of the stronger characters already, just give him a bit more life to deal with the stronger cast and he should be pretty balanced.

Yeah, fuck you too buddy. :rofl:

LOL QUE? There’s a person I’d like you to meet, he’s called Sanchez… It’s one of his dual mains.

I have typed up and then deleted so many things i want to say here, but words fail to describe how stupid you sound…

I’d main him if I didn’t have stupid hands, until the day I hit all my DPs on quick reactions without problem with the stability of Barlog is where I lie. >.<

More seriously. For EX hyakuretsu Kyaku would having it launch up as opposed to back be too much? Allow it to be followed with stomp combos mid screen. this would give people a lot more to fear when doing EX rush punches or mid screen fireballs.

ex legs being a launcher would be crazy… i can already think of a bunch of stupid awesome combos we could get from that…

the only thing i don’t like about his moves are his non ex shouryuken, i want them to hit once.

Ex should be left the way it is.