well if there is any buff i want in seth, i want longer combos. 10 secs are not enough!!! make his magic legs of 100 wtf kicks 7 secs animation!! so people can enjoy watching the movie " Super Street fighter 4, the return of Seth" and his 2 hours of fun and educating COMBOS!!! Make SPD a 9 sec animation!!! let all who face seth rage and quit!!!

Ahem… well… to me seth is fine, hell if it can satisfy zangief spammers, they can tweak seth a little bit just for them to stop crying.
too bad they dont know that lariat trade to ex green hands is like shoryuken to metso hadouken against seth… or that lariat is itself like hitting a random ultra on your opponent.

Considering there will be newly characters, it would only make sense to include new moves for Seth.

As for previous moves, in Y of his moves need tweaking (positive or negative), with the possible exception of non ex Tandem (I wouldn’t make it faster, but definitely leave the opponent “stunned” longer).

He does need a tad more health. Being killed by 2 akuma combos (no meter used) is weak. And his stun has to be fixed. He doesn’t need to be a beast, but I would love to see him become truly competitive. He is one of my favourite characters, without a doubt, and needs to be kept in for future SF games.

On a side note, it’s pointless to ask for fixes/nerfs until we know whether he gets an updated movelist due to the new characters being added. I would like all his moves to not be EXACTLY like his counterparts (ie-i like his SPD, but it should be uppercut, teleport, Hugo splash instead…his fireball should be a hadoken with a sonic boom inside of it).

Gotta make sure he stays away from that smash brothers though. That big hand at the end can cause some major rage. :looney:

yup, especially Seth’s considering it does no fucking damage.

You’v obviously never fought a good Seth.

Yeah, my point being it is you guys as players who do really well. It’s like me saying Rose is too good because Phatsaqs is a very good Rose player. Or that Gen is overpowerd because Yeb plays him extremely well. It’s the players who make the most of their characters, so Sabin it’s your fault people say Seth is op, your just too good with him man, your ruining it for us Seth players! :stuck_out_tongue:

I just want to clarify that my list was just a few suggestions with only one or two selections to be made from the list. However you do make an excellent point; every character will be re-balanced and there will be many new characters, so any and all changes will have to be made with the abailities of the re-balanced and new characters in mind.


Gef stunning seth in one hit YEEAAAAHHH!

Happened to me twice in one match before… Lucky trades off of j.fp…

hes a tricky one. leave him the same. maybe give him something against blanka and give gief something for the match to be more manageable for him.

Something against Blanka? Like maybe being able to punish his horizontal balls on hit?

lol. Yeah! [/sarcasm]

I’m just being paranoid I guess. And it’s a very important part of what I do with Seth. From my experiences online, it’s good against jump happy Vipers(jump happy characters in general), it’s awesome when you predict when zangief is going to jump, decent against a rufus who doesn’t have the timing down, it beats bisons headstomps, etc. I think if they listen to the whiners they’ll just take that out for a little appeasement.

If anything buff his health by 100 and stun by 100. That’s all I can think of that needs improving.

Hooray, someone that gets it! Thank you, Digital-.

Seth’s moveset is FINE*. He just gets random’d out kinda easy.


overhead plz

j.hp works great


Anyway I stand by what I have said before. All he needs is a little more HP.

lol @ “he is almost broken, so give him 100 more HP”

100 more hp might be fine if they adjust his hitboxes on some moves so that they are no longer godlike

Seths moveset allows him to play any style he wants. He is almost too good. I dont have experience fighting strictly Seth mains but my brother Rob (weak sauc3) plays a dirty seth and uh hes a really tough fight. Even when you get in on him, he still has plenty of tools to get you off / or get away from you. I really dont know if hes considered TOO good but I think if more people devoted time to Seth, they’d realize hes better than what most think

I think if they’re going to buff his hp / stun, then his moveset needs to be trimmed down a little. It would be too much really.