I agree, I never once got frustrated playing against CPU Seth.

I don’t really understand why people have problems with him, I mean, he isn’t a KOF boss for goodness sakes. IMO Gill was harder too.

gill was only hard cuz of his fucking regeneration

I wanna see him copy more characters attacks.

All his moves are easy to pull off. Give him some charge moves.

Maybe they could rename Seth’s sonic boom to be sonic kinesis, to connect him more with Urien and Gill. I’d also be fine with dropping j.hp for an air sonic, as the Abel player said. :wink:

No, you really shouldn’t agree. He’s speaking strictly as a boss fight. You’re aware that the farther you get into Arcade mode that each fight gets progressively harder. Even in the current SF4, Seth has probably around 1100 stamina when you reach him in Arcade mode.

The Seth as a boss is difficult because he has a lot of health, likely does more damage, and has the reaction time of a computer.

That completely, utterly changes when selecting him as a character as you’re working with human reactions, his actual stamina being horrendously low, and his actual combos don’t do all that great of damage. His normals do the least damage of the entire cast, his specials do the least damage of the entire cast, even his SPD caps out at like 180 damage compared to Zangiefs.

Quite literally, the only thing that keeps that character afloat is his versatility and zone capabilities.

Have you ever seen a seth win a tournament? Or perhaps place in the top 3?

Seth as a playable character doesn’t even begin to reach the brim of overpowered characters–not by a long shot. When your life hinges on two combos, your margin of error is so small that to even compete against another competent player would require a maximum of 1 error per round.

lol, sadly People simply dont know, and simply wont give a crap. Once they hear it from their japanesse overlords, and their god Justin Wong they wont change their mind. But as for the long animations i think it was meant to hurt you psychologically. Seeing those long animations, and the ridiculous stun that comes with it. I often find myself losing to Seth because he landed two insignificant BnB because i lost the momentum during the animation because i lost focus. People need to learn that during that animation you have the same xx amount of time to think out your move so you can make a more informed decision on what to do next. And if you remove those long animations I think a core component of what Seth’s game can be will be lost.

ayi estan mis dos centavos tomalen si quieren cabrones.

It needs to be a maxout followed by a kikouken.


Abel’s as well.

I have the awful feeling that they’re going to remove his

That would be a really weird thing to take away.

Why would you say that?

his deadly imba resets, duh. :rolleyes:

really though, why do you say that studd?

Seth is not some top tier god character despite what some people say. How many Seth’s win tournaments at local, regional and national levels? How many Seths are there in the top 8 of any major? He NEEDS buffs not nerfs! Just a few ideas of mine:

More health 800-850
Harder to stun though not by a lot
Higher damage output on everything, including command throw (but not regular throw)
Faster walking speed
Give him a command overhead move
More prioirity on some attacks (all SRK’s for example)
Less Sonic Boom cool down (nothing like Guile, more like Ryu’s Hadouken)
Some kind of footsie game.

130/140/150/170 for jab/strong/fierce/EX
Basically the normal throw damage range for most characters if you aren’t EXing it. Just untechable.

Seth is aweseomee!! except when u play as dhalsim and try to beat him on arcade mode =[. total pwnage! took me 3 hours!! lmao…sad…

If Tandem engine had better startup, it would be very useful move

i dunno what do you think the odds are of a new character being the boss character in Super other than seth?

chances are i reckon he ll be one of the characters to have a lot tweaked about him, maybe making him playable from the start,and then we ll get a new unbalanced boss character (but with low health so its ok) to replace him

is your friend autistic


Ono already said that Seth would return as the boss though.

oh ha ha nevermind then

wow i think your freind needs to find a new game! mario galaxy or maybe animal crossing ha ha

its really only myself, josh the funk doc, jinrai, and poongko that have done anything at majors with him, but i agree with you

these changes might actually make seth OP, but we wont know until the game comes out. honestly, i think hes fine as is. he might get extra moves cause theres going to be a shitload of new characters, wed have to wait and see.

but yeah i disagree about the priority on SRK’s. he already has the highest priority SRK in the game hands down, you know that right? :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont play seth, but he is fun to fight against… i say leave him alone, maybe slight stamina boost…i am intrested to see his new ultra…