“And while we recognize that some people aren’t as big of a fan of him and don’t like some of his tactics we’ll say that he will be in, and we’re going to make you like him even less”

I agree >_>

those are almost all my srk posts anymore lol

and i haven’t been posting or playing as much lately because school is too serious right now!

but i will try and add something to this here thread

OK. Tandem Engine is definitely his most underrated move. Art already outlined the basics of it (the backdash catching is especially valuable since he doesn’t have too many other good moves for that), but there’s even more stuff he didn’t mention. vs. Abel, for instance, it’s a great move in moderation since it grabs him out of his roll. It’s probably most important against Balrog since it grabs him out of every special move except headbutt, and his jump-in range isn’t that far so you’re at less risk of eating a combo.

There’s also a neat general thing you can do with it, though this takes a bit of explaining. In order to work their way into a range where Seth doesn’t want to be (mainly mid-range), good players will jump in from outside your DP range with an air attack that beats j.fierce - Balrog j.fierce, Abel j.MK, etc. Tandem Engine is actually one of your best counters to this, since it will grab them in their landing recovery for a free combo - note that this doesn’t work if they start empty jumping, but then you can just hit them with neutral j.fierce.

So yes, I honestly think the move is fine as is.

As for more general things, Seth’s major weaknesses are as follows:

  1. Health & stun, shouldn’t need to say any more.

  2. Very weak mid-range footsie game. s.MK and sweep actually aren’t bad pokes, but I think it’s his walking speed that really kills him.

  3. None of his mixup is worth the risk against a good portion of the cast. I almost never use SPD mixups anymore since one successful neutral jump takes half your life. And his side-switching stuff gets beat by mashing DP since that works from either side in this game. Seriously, this is why Seth has to play so lame in so many matchups, so if you wanted to change him I’d start here.

  4. This is perhaps his biggest problem, and something I’ve never seen discussed on the Seth forum…a lot of characters can close the gap on him just by walking forward a few steps and blocking. His s.fierce has so much recovery that a lot of characters can make up the ground they lost from blocking it. This is definitely not the case with Dhalsim since his s.fierce has much faster recovery, which is why Sim has a better zoning game than Seth.

If you’re going to nerf Seth in any way (change his ultra, etc.), you cannot ignore these areas. Sadly I think that’s what Capcom will do, in which case he’ll become the new Vega.

Seth is on the trailer with all the other playable SF4 characters, and they show him during the gameplay clips. They’re not going to do this for an unplayable character, so it’s safe to bet he’s in.


Oh yeah, and I’m still not convinced Guile beats Seth. I’ve played Geom etc. and it seems very, very even to me:

  • If Guile gets a decent life lead, you’re fucked.
  • Guile can’t keep up with you in throwing sonic booms since he has to charge. Thus, if you have a lead or it’s close, he MUST jump at you at some point…and his jump is especially floaty and easy to DP. Also, if you ever do get a knockdown (most likely from that DP), he has almost no good way out of your offense.

I’ve always had issues with Guile once the Guile realizes his airthrow beats everything I have in the air.

Yea a Defense Seth is a monster in this game as he has tools to deal with alot of things. Plus the player has good defense which is a key to playing with Seth. I have notice I have to play safe as possible to win.

I do try to tick SPD sometimes. Keep the opponent back. He is a great spacing tool like Dhalsim, but has a stronger upclose game than dhalsim but loses on the zoning aspect of Dhalsim.

Guile is a tough cookie, but there ways to beat him. Most guile will sonic boom and flash kick when you in air. So never jump in his flash kick range but jump outside of it. And play a good footsie game. With Seth you can knock him down and try headstomp or teleport on wake-up. Teleport is nice to bait flash kicks.

One of my friends hates me picking him but I pick him anyways. He calls him cheap of all things.

why is his ex tandem 2 bars? Is it really THAT overpowered, considering damage scaling and shit?

anywho, i would love if his 2nd ultra gives him a bit of all the other characters ultra’s. Sorta like Spiral in Marvel (without actually morphing).

other than that, i hope they add a few more moves to his movelist. He needs to copy some Saikyo taunts, and moves from OTHER SF games (maybe dudley’s rose taunt, and some of Alex’s moves, and maybe even a Gill move/ultra)

In the Ono interview, he stated that ppl dont like Seth, and they will hate him even more in the update. I dont see that happening with nerfs

^ it would mean like 4 really long ass combos linked.

Make it one bar so we can just SPD, Ultra, and do 20 second combos. We can win on time, every time.

If you hate Seth that much, either get over it or play a different game. Be glad you only got warnings this time for trolling.

This is not to say you’re not allowed to hate Seth. But argue intelligently or leave the thread.

I understand it could lead to long combo’s timewise, but after damage scaling (take away some of, if not all of, the stun by Ex Tandem), it wouldn’t be worth it to use it four or more times

Random thoughts on Seth.

-Significantly cut down the time of the ultra animation, it really doesn’t need to be that length.

-To make people fear his SPD mix up more replace his SPD with Karakusa. This also adresses a lot of his attacks randomly turning into SPDs if we make it 63214K and switch the hyakuretsu Kyaku into 236K >:}

-1 more frame of hit stun on stand roundhouse for linking reasons.

-Slightly lower his damage/stun on j fierce, let it do its zoning job still, just without very much reward other than the spacing.

-Increase his overall stun damage slightly.

-Slightly faster tandem engine start up.

-Slightly faster crouching fierce start up.

-800 health.

Eh, leave Seth as he is. I’m on-board with the op pointing out how extreme any change could be. He’s frustrating to certain characters, but it tends to pay off in your favor if you get anywhere near him. I hate playing against Seth, but I feel his pain… I know he only has to screw up once for me to win. Lastly, though taboo to say, when a Seth wins, you feel like you lost to a simply better player not to a character, due to their ass being worked off and guessing right.

I did “lol” to the statement of removing Sagat and Ryu from rank matches too… only because I said “sounds good”. (Not serious, of course)

give him messiah kick :slight_smile:

Seth needs more unsafe frames after his projectile

No, Seth needs to throw a sonic boom AND a hadoken.

maybe just with ex

Seth is great as a final boss if you love aneurysms and punching in your own HDTV

If CPU Seth makes you break your TV I’m surprised playing online hasn’t forced you to take a shotgun to your face.

I want Seths’ EX projectile to be a hadouken.