You wouldn’t be saying that if Seth was a blue naked woman. If you have a problem with any naked body, I suggest you look away instead of making comments like these.

well since they are changing every character in the game they’ll have to do something with seth

I just wanted to chime in with a non-gameplay change that effects seth a lot. Ultra animations, like Seth’s (and Juri’s) are too long. Speed these up, please.

ok, i know Seth players are going to hate me, but in my opinion Seth should not be selectable in ranked/championship.

he is not fair, the only way to make it balanced is to artificially nerf his damage output and stamina.

but even so a good player who knows how to use his tools makes facing him a pain, specially for some chars.

player matches? no problem, player matches are just for fun, no ranking involved.

heh i love how people say “he is not fair” yet in the ryu/rufus/akuma threads people are like “buff him up” or dont change anything haha

id like to see tourney results as proof of him being “so unfair”

He is already artificially nerfed on damage and health compared to his CPU counterpart (Not sure if you were suggesting or stating that already but just thought I would confirm or inform).

Almost all characters have bad matchups, this is completely fair. A good player is a good player, regardless of their character choice and a good player will beat a worse player consistently over time.

Sagat is better then Seth, so if you think Seth needs to be taken out of Champ mode then take Sagat and Ryu out as well.

People are getting a little extreme with the suggestions around here. To suggest he should be unplayable in champ is to suggest he is so far out of whack balance wise that she shouldn’t be included with the rest of the cast.

I don’t hate you, I just feel sad that you don’t want to bother to learn how to beat Seth and instead blame the loss on the character as opposed to the opposing players skill.


Doesn’t matter Sabin!! If he is played perfectly he is UNBEATABLE!!!

/sarcasm off

(Note: any character played perfectly in SF4 is pretty much going to win since perfectly means no mistakes and there are no unwinnable matchups in this game)

mmm… my fights against Seth are usually a 5/5 (i main Rose, and thanks to her slide and Soul Throw this match up is way less painful than with other chars).

so no, it is not because i loose against him, it because how he feels.

that is, he feels like an overpowerd char turned into an average one artificially because of the heavy damage output and stamina nerf.

but if i were playing with Zangief or Honda and encountered a Seth in a G1 finals, i would really cringe in pain before the match starts…

And if I was an Abel and ran into a Gief I’d cringe too, it’s called a bad matchup and not a reason to remove a character.

And the Honda/Seth matchup is not near Abel/Gief/Seth proportions.

I say give him Akuma level health, and shorten the animations on his moves.

Magic foot can be a simple knockdown that deals the same damage/stun distance everything. His command throw could be shortened into a srk teleport bison stomp or some other combination of stolen moves that gets the throw to under 4 seconds, ultra can skip the whole tornado effect and 3x fly at the screen.

Really, my only beef with him is how long so many of his moves take to resolve. Also, he can afford to have a normal ryu-style srk instead of the one he has now, just up the damage on it so it’s like the whole thing connects every time.

The only way to be fair in a fighting game is have only one character selectable, so everyone has exactly the same moves with exactly the same properties and then the better player wins…boring as shit…but fair…

of course but the thing is Seth has most tools than any other char because he is in fact the final boss, this is why he had to be nerfed badly in order to allow people to choose him and not broke the game.

now, in SSFIV it seems CAPCOM is going to buff him more. And thats ok, Seth is quite weak for being a final boss (compared with other final bosses), he needs to be more evil.

thats why i think he should not be selectable in ranked/championship modes, but dont worry, i doubt that would happen…

Buff him up, fine, whatever, but get rid of this whole “Guaranteed Ultra and Super on certain characters”.

Fucking nonsense.

^ Its the best Ultra in the game, love it!

I hope they buff his already broken moves and not his health.

More tools is not an instant win…look at Gouken, if you count the fact that his hadouken gives him 3 options and that he has 4 options from his demon flip, high and low parry, he actually has equal or more options than Seth but still Gouken does more damage, has more health/stamina and a quicker walk speed…and afaik noone is getting very far with Gouken either in tournaments…

how does he have more “tools” than any other char when he has 0 footsies which is what SF4 is centered around primarily? i mean damn man.

I think he meant in the way of moves…long arms are tools only Seth and Dhalsim have, headstomps can be called a tool as well…but i still think Gouken has eaqual or more if you only count moves as tools. Don’t hear many complaints about him…

That kinda sounds like SF4… :xeye:

you guys really need to stop complaining about characters that are perfectly fine as is…his move list and options on offense are enough to warrant his 750 health

Seth is alright. He is quite fair. If you ever actually played as Seth you would understand that he has the most tools in the game but that doesn’t equate to win at all. He has his disadvantages being his weak damage and weak health. He is very fun to play in though.

As for the not fair comment. Screw it. Everyone should get Ryu. Forget Juri and all the other characters. Get Ryu and have equal fair matches from now on. No Exceptions.

Because otherwise there will be unfairness.

the thing with Gouken is he has no reliable reversal, nor command throws.

Seth has a way more complete set of tools than him.

of course, he has a weak point (other than the artificial nerfed stamina/damage), he is slow and has little footsies… but his combination of heavy zoning and wall jumping make him not really need to walk.

think about it this way: if he had normal stamina and output damage, he will be god tier.

… either when i win, or when i lose against him, the feeling is “artificial”. I mean, if i win, is because i was able to land a few hits or ultra; so it is not a rewarding feeling. If i lose, is because i was completelly overhelmed because of his versatile moveset.

well, it is just an opinion, we will see what happens with him in SSFIV…