yea im homophobic too

… Right, now I’m sure why Josh doesn’t grace us with decent posts. It’s a damn shame too, since sharing information and ideas is a significant part of what this forum is or should be here for.

Really? I started playing Seth just because I like watching his muscular shiny blue ass.

Guess it was just me though.

seths ultra is really annoying i dont mind the rest of him.

it just turns the entire game into a really boring bulldog if you dont have an air option to avoid it. his ultra shouldnt hit aerial or landing opponents, but in return it should be faster, imo.

My only real complaint about Seth is how long some of his moves take to animate. His 360 throw and his ultra should both be much faster, regardless of other move properties. Let’s get on with the fight instead of watching a 5 second SPD animation and 10+ second ultra animation, which you’re going to be eating very frequently. Same goes with Blanka’s forward throw, but this isn’t the Blanka forum.

Part of the reason I dislike playing against Seth is because I know I’m going to have to watch those long, drawn out animations. Command throws should take about the same time as Abel and Gief’s command throws.

I think it takes about the same time as Giefs.

wow alot of bitches in this thread for one thing as a seth player and many seth players are that we never complain about other characters and how much damage a 3 hit combo can do to him we never complain about ryu or sagat fadc Seth in to an ultra taking 70% of our life away, we just simply accept that as to play seth this can happen…

but we don’t go on a tirade and whining about taking sagat or ryu out of the game and Sims zoning>Seths zoning
…Seth=not automatic victory

give seth 850 in health I say

Just timed it (no stopwatch just the seconds hand of my watch but i did them a few times and took an average)

Seth SPD: about 4 seconds
Zangief SPD: about 3 seconds
Abel TT: about 3 seconds

Seth ultra: about 10-11 seconds
Zangief ultra: about 9 seconds
Abel ultra:about 12 seconds
Chun-li ultra: about 10 seconds
Akuma ultra: 9 seconds
Sagat ultra:9

Well seems that Abel’s ultra is even longer than Seths and even then Seth’s ultra takes only 2 seconds more than the ultras of some other popular chars…

so there goes that theory, unless you REALLY think Seth’s SPD shouldn’t take 1 second more…

imma be honest, I’ve never used it meaty and i generally forget i have it outside of blockstring traps or stun resets.

i think the startup should be lowered a tad. maybe make jab tandem fast enough to punish a ryu sweep? iono, that might be too much. but i don’t know what (other than a teeny health boost) that would help him but not feel like too much.

[media=youtube]W1f9wVyq39c#t=59s[/media] : Seth does a command throw (all versions take the same amount of time) when the game time is an early 87, and by the time Abel gets up and Seth hits him on the crossup, the game timer is a low 82. That’s at least 5 full seconds, closer to 6.

[media=youtube]_QcvEsKeppQ#t=59s[/media] : Abel does a grab at high 67 seconds, and is doing okizeme rolls at 64 seconds (also notice how much faster the opponent gets up off the ground than Seth’s SPD). It’s 3 seconds, as you mentioned. Three seconds for a command grab is fair. I won’t research Gief’s, but the jab SPD is really fast. The fight never feels like it’s stalling like it does when I watch Seth’s SPD.

I’m an Abel player, and I love to see his ultra (usually because it’s hard to land), but I agree that it takes too long as well. I have complaints about Sagat’s ultra length, but primarily because his windup during the ultra freeze is unnecessarily long. The actual length of the ultra is fine, because some hits can whiff depending on positioning. Seth’s is nothing more than a cutscene you watch if the first hit connects, so it doesn’t have to be any longer than 7-8 seconds. You can still watch him splat against the screen, but they have to do the whole swirl/suck in thing way faster.

C’mon, don’t you get tired of watching 5-6 second Seth SPDs and 10-11 second Seth ultras that he lands virtually every round? Might as well put the controller down and make a sandwich.

And no i’m not tired of watching it, same thing as apparently Ryu players don’t get tired of buffering SRK inputs waiting for an opportunity to do LP SRK ultra…

EDIT: i wouldn’t mind if Seth’s ultra was reduced to…5 seconds for all i care…i’m just saying it’s a bit lame complaining about an SPD thats 1 second longer and an ultra that’s one of, but not THE, longest ultras in the game…

EDIT2: Honda ultra takes 10 to 12 seconds as well (depending on the distance needed to travel to the corner) and his command grab = 4 seconds just like Seth SPD

Seth need some improvment in SSFIV

  • Jump as high as Chun-Li

  • Walk a bit faster

  • Better startup on tandem engine

  • A medium punch that damage enemy when he/she crouch and block, just like ryu guile have these punchs

dont think theres a single character in any sf game with this feature.

I suppose he means an overhead.

Eh, I’m not going to argue the timing anymore. In my calculations, I count it when the other character gets up, not when the offensive character is able to move again (this is part of what makes Seth’s SPD so long, the character stays down for a long time after it). Abel is doing an okizeme roll, but could have decided to attack instead, which is why I stopped it there. Seth’s SPD should be 3 seconds like everyone else’s. Launch them up, grab them, slam, done.

I already agreed that Abel’s ultra takes too long. No ultra should take 12 seconds.

It just feels strange to me that Seth moves around really fast, has a super fast jump and teleport, but as soon as he gets an SPD or ultra, the match just grinds to a halt.

honestly…i don’t get worried by playing seth. i don’t mind if they give him a bit more stamina.

i find that i beat most seth players with my guile because they aren’t skilled enough to use him to his full potential.

i imagine against a really strong seth could be frustrating, but i definitely think he takes more skill to play than sagat. there is far more risk with seth…especially when people are gonna spam special moves knowing that it only takes about 4/5 to kill him.

how many hp.tiger uppercuts does it take to kill seth? 6/7? bit ridiculous really.

Well that’s pretty silly, since there’s no quick getup option from a command throw, so yes, Abel COULD have done an attack, but it would have whiffed because blanka was still on the ground…looking at when the character performing the grab can move again gives a more accurate view of the time the entire move takes.

Give him “original” moves? How exactly do you define original? Zangief, Honda, and Abel all have a copied move. A command throw. Just a different animation and different properties, guess what, Seth had a different animation and diff properties!

How many characters have fireballs? Same deal. A horizontal moving projectile, wow original. Akuma, Ryu, Ken, Dan, Chun Li, Gouken, Guile, Rose… How is any of this original? The differences lie in the fact that they all have different properties. Guess what!? Seth sonic boom != Guile sonic boom. The only thing the same is the projectile graphic. They don’t even have the same hitbox as any Ryu who tries to tatsu over a Seth sonic boom can attest to.

All “copied” moves that Seth uses are original to him. They are not identical to the move that is copied. Not even Seth’s standing fierce is the same as Dhalsims standing fierce.

I actually think his headstomp is better then Chun Li’s also :rofl:

No, I mean I measured when the opponent got up in both cases. In the Seth case, he did a crossup attack. In the Abel case, the Abel player chose to do okizeme roll as the opponent was rising.

Anyway. My point still stands. I think Seth’s ultra and SPD take too long. If you disagree, then I guess we’ll disagree. I don’t see Capcom changing it anyway. :sad:

Headstomp is infinitely better than Chun-Li’s Reppin Pillage. It’s not even a debate, lol cause the hitbox of it can stuff dps and stuff all sorts of shit that Chun’s cant.

As for Seth’s ultra/SPD, seth spd looks cool so i dont mind. at least compared to giefs. and as for ultra, yeah maybe it takes a little too long…but you know what it gives seth players time to really plan their next move which can make all the difference =P