No point in playing Abel cause you’ll definitely play a Zangief, see what I did there?


I don’t know how to best describe it, but playing against Seth in one of his bad matchups feels… un-Street Fighter. Zangief has a hard time against Sagat, but it feels different. Aside from the obvious difference in characters something about the vs. Seth difficulty feels artificial.

The problem with giving him an original moveset now is that its like adding a new character, pretty much. New animations, new balances, new nerfs. He’d have to take up a slot from a character they wanted to add. Also, it may annoy some of the Seth mains. I second him, and personally would like him to be redone because he’d be alot cooler as a villain then, but I don’t know how the Seth community feels.

wooooow. i hate this thread so much.

durka durka unoriginal durka durka remove him durka durk

he doesn’t play like anyone else in the game. he is not unbalanced or s tier. he requires near-pristine play to pull wins out against good players. (not even pros – i mean the kind of player that randoms a pro out.)

maybe i’m a little more angry because you’re talking about removing my main because his good matchups don’t feel right or because you think his j.hp is too good ([media=youtube]W1f9wVyq39c[/media]) or because of some other stupid shit.

he is fine. that’s what i think. if you get outplayed, you lose. give him 50 more HP, a shirt to match his ripped pants, and call it a day. oh, and his new ultra should be high risk, high reward.


i do like this but i don’t know how you would accomplish it.

He really isnt. Sim’s zoning is still better than Seth’s for the most part.

I think you deserve that for playing such a dull and braindead character.

This thread needs more love.

Ok let’s be honest guys, if you lose all the time to Seth, you need to up your game against him, he really isn’t that hard.

IMO he’s on the weak end of the balance stick.

As people have said though, buffing him, or nerfing him would make him either way overpowered, or way underpowered. I went through a brainstorming session, and the only things I could think of would be to:

  1. Raise his stun meter, to anywhere from 800 to 850.

  2. Raise the damage of his SPD. IMO SPD mixups are a strong part of Seth’s game, but being hit by one of Seth’s SPDs isn’t enough of a threat to warrant playing around them.

  3. Make his Tandem Engine useful somehow, perhaps giving it a few more frames on hit, so you could punish a few more things with it.

Seth is damn good right now but not OP. Nobody in this game is OP. I dont care how much bitching there is about Sagat, Seth, Balrog, Zangief, Akuma, Ryu or even Ken, Bison, Blanka, and Gouken.

However, I must say that my friend punched a hole in his wall because of a Seth player on XBL who kept hitting him with stretchy arms, sonic booms and wall kicks. lol

This same friend destroyed 3 controllers as well because of people online, I know one Blanka player got him so frustrated he smashed and shattered his controller on his face which made him go get stitches for a deep cut on his forehead lmao.

Cool man, thanks for contributing!

I would be fine with the triangle jump being slightly slower, but j. hk crossup no. Seth has no footsies he has to jump or trick his opponent into sticking out something in order to get damage.

Guile beats Seth dude.

Wow, Justin Wong has really poisoned your minds. You sound exactly like him back when he was saying Seth is OP and should be banned.

His jab tandem engine is extremely useful, sounds ilke you guys arent using the move to his max potential. I was surprised to see you guys say this.

I haven’t ever seen someone use it well yet. Nobody on the Seth forum has found anything either.

How do you use it? So far, having them jump into it at range is the only conceivable way I can think of, and even that’s risky because of the start-up and the small hit window. I’ve tried using it in pressure strings, but once the opponent realizes they can jump over it, it becomes very dangerous to continue using it that way.

Also, the fact that catching an opponent in an EX-tandem and then randomly whiffing a hit while they’re stunned is bullshit. They better fix that bug in SSF4.

If you take away the j.HP, give Seth average/decent walk speed and slightly better stamina/stun so that he has a footsies game. Otherwise leave him as is, since he’s fine overall imho. Even if he has a guaranteed ultra setup, it won’t necessarily finish the match. Gief having some shitty matchups isn’t anything new.

I hate to toot my own horn but
[media=youtube]rTCaVlf4kbw[/media] (4:33 is a good example of tandem engine usage)
In addition it’s extremely good against characters who dont have DP’s and it catches plenty of characters backdashes on wakeup. And it destroys midrange focus fishing. You also (again im not a frame data player) seem to get more frame advantage the closer you suck them in with it. plus frames means you can start to work DP->FADC mindgames on them if they ever get the bright idea of actually moving. Of course it’s risky if they jump but Seth is a GIANT GAMBLE in the first place. You just have to know what your opponent is oging to do which in of itself, is not easy at all. Ask JoshtheFUNKDOC, he knows. :wink:

Of course EX tandem is better than jab tandem but again, 2 baaaarss

So just throw it out and hope that the opponent throws out a poke at the same time?

Did you read my post or only watch that video dude? I just explained how it’s good meaty vs quite a few non DP characters.

Sure they can jump out of it, but you just have to train them not to jump by doing other shit. Look at the bigger picture.

Also the video example was mainly showing how you have to sometimes throw it out at midrange to prevent footsies/focus fishing. Since Seth has 0 footsies, people will be doing this a lot. (random focus, random limbs)

You’re definitely right about the Tandem Engine giving greater advantage the closer it catches the opponent. Also speaking of Josh, I swear I haven’t seen him post in any SSF4 thread yet. It’s a shame, the SSF4 forum could use more intelligence and fewer worthless unfunny troll posts in character threads… Actually, I think I know why he hasn’t posted (Unless I’ve just missed him or something, lol).

over time the better players get sick of posting because it just gets buried by all the crap. happens with every game and every scene, thats why you gotta play and talk shop irl

Seth should be permanently removed from Street Fighter. We don’t need another porn star. We already had Gil and Urien and they are sickening enough.

Don’t be jealous just because you aren’t blue and naked.