I personally don’t want to see them change Seth.
I can’t wait to see his new ultra. We all know how big a part of his game it is.

I am guessing that his new ultra will be something close range, maybe even a throw ultra, do more damage but super risky. Thats not the type I would like to see but I cant see them giving him another range ultra or one easily comboable.

i think the new seth ultra reborn him, brings back is health to normal

I think they are considering making him unplayable in SSFIV.

I think they are considering removing the super bar…

I really doubt that… sequels should never have major components removed, only added.

I could not remember where I read that but I found it. Looks like it was a rumor for the arcade release…which isn’t happening.

I definately think Seth should not get his guaranteed Ultra/Super on Boxer, Gief, Honda, Etc. They should fix that somehow.

Hey thanks for that link. I hadn’t seen this interview and it’s pretty interesting.

This goes back to my first post saying he’s a difficult character to change. You could accomplish this by changing the ultra so that it doesn’t take you out of the air, but that also renders his ultra completely useless. The only reason the ultra is useful is to scare the opponent into staying where you want them to, not because of the damage it causes.
There could be other ways, like raising the number of recovery frames on his jab boom so it’s more difficult to trap someone, but that creates the same problems, but with the added feature of his boom being useless.
The low damage on the Ultra is definitely the easiest way to get around how easy it is to trap someone, but it’s still an issue.

His problems are pretty clear, but fixing them is a dangerous proposition.
Being difficult to buff and difficult to nerf doesn’t necessarily make him balanced. :rofl:

I think his new ultra should be similar to Spiral’s from MvC2 in that he performs a bunch of attacks that are borrowed from the other characters in one giant combo.

The only thing I would do for Seth is make his triangle jump (currently the fastest way to traverse the playing field in SFIV, outside of teleporting) a bit slower. I would also consider making his s.HK not being able to cross up.

would really like them to reduce the range on his jumping punch, or make his punch slower. Hate playing him as guile =s

would giving seth lets say 950 stamina make him totally unplayable against a pro?

I think he’s just right imo, his easy to land “free” supers are perfectly balanced by their crappy damage.

make him invisible.

As someone who strictly plays with Seth I just hope they leave him the same. I think any nerfs and he’s pretty useless. If you’re going to take away my high stun or my easy ultra… Then I want at least 900 vitality. Any changes to Seth would have to be offset by more health IMO.

Anyway just leave him as he is.

I think a good boost for Seth would be to make it so that his non-EX Tandem Engine is actually useful.

They should take this garbage ass character out of the fucking game. Boss only. Done deal. SSFIV will be better off with out him.

i think that he should continue doing what he does best… get raped by anone who lands a combo on him, and if he lands 4 combos, then the other people are dead… sure he is a bit too good against a couple people… but then again… sometimes he can do shit all when u guess wrong.

I think they should treat him like Gill. You “can” play Gill, but he’s not on the select screen and he is not tournament playable. I don’t think he’s broken, But certain characters have a really hard time against him. Like, there’s no point of being a Zangief player, cuz in a tournament, you’ll eventually fight a Seth.

That’s a good way of describing it that I would co-sign.

I feel he could use 50 points worth of extra health.

j.HP is very tricky one through what it does for his zoning and matchups. He’s arguably better at being Dhalsim than Dhalsim. It’s an imbalanced part of his moveset IMO, but nerfing it is a tight-rope. Even with a decent walk speed and 50 more health, his footsies would still be far too weak with his current moveset and properties.