Seth’s Ultra needs a SLIGHT, SLIGHT damage increase: A Zangief SPD seems like it does more damage. (Forgive me for being unfamiliar with all the damage levels and whatnot, see my title for reference)

Seths ultra is the best in the game.

You control the entire screen with it. Its damage is fine.

I won’t disagree with you on its utility. It essentially removes fireballs and jump ins and punishes most anything.

The thing is animated slower than King Zora scooting over however. Seems like a lot of buildup for such crap damage. Not really a huge concern though, I was hesitant to even suggest it.

Actually people have complained about this before. Their solution to this was to lower the time it takes instead of raising the damage however.

That works too.

Seth could deal with a SLIGHT health increase as well. Sagat shouldn’t get a third of my bar from one correctly guessed (I.E. SUPER SHORTCUT MASHAN) h.TU

If Seth gets an increase in health, he needs to lose some of his tools. He’s too good at every aspect of the game (zoning, runaway, mixups, pressure game) to have better health than he has now.

I can see them taking away neutral jump fierce, making his ultra travel across the screen a little slower, giving him a slower teleport, and making his walljump slower, then giving him 100 more health.

I don’t know, I see Seth kind of being redesigned a bit in SSF4. I don’t think he’ll play the same at all.

Honestly, in my opinion playable Seth is simply a poorly designed character. Fighting him is not an enjoyable experience for me, regardless of who I happen to be playing as at the time for a few reasons, and it’s not because I think he’s overpowered. Giving a character a broken as fuck moveset and compensating for it by giving his absolutely awful health is a terrible way to balance a character in my opinion. Sure it makes them fair and balanced, but it’s like you’re fighting ST Akuma with a glass jaw.

I don’t think any character should have such an outstanding move set that their health needs to be 750 to compensate. It makes for gameplay that just isn’t fun. Seth’s tools often make it very difficult to do anything but wait for a mistake, and that is truly a bore. I’m not suggesting that Seth is the only character or matchup that causes lackluster gameplay, but in nearly any matchup against Seth, his opponent finds that he’s better off doing nothing and waiting for the 3-4 punishes he needs to win. This stigma is significantly enhanced when Seth has ultra. At that point, you REALLY can’t do anything without taking a hit.

My hope for Seth changes in SSF4 is for his moveset to be nerfed and his health to be buffed. I’d like to see him up to 900 or so if possible. I’ll refrain from stating my opinion and what should be nerfed to compensate, seeing as no matter what I suggest, I’ll get flamed for it.

I could be wrong here but is seems Seth is the only character having SERIOUS suggestions of having their entire game taken away.

Anyways I’m almost sure that he will repeat game again, capcom uses to do such things.

I think that many people who complain about seth doesn’t know jack shit about him and how to play/fight him I suggest that you try seth out and you’ll see that it isn’t a walk in the park 'cause

I bet most people in here complaining about seth are buttohn mashars (ryu, ken or sagat players) just getting butt hurt for being raped by a seth in the g-2 finals “omg my buttahn masshing tactics diedn’t woerk…omg sethh iz toe ovah powarad”

just learn the matchup and quit being a little biggity bitch
we seth players never complain when we get caught in a srk fadc ultra or some heavier attack making us lose the game…you know what we do?

we learn from our misstakes…“OHH NOES!!! I CAN’T BUTTAHN MASH??? I NEED TO LEERN GAME!!! WTF!!!”

and for the people who are going to give me bad rep…u mad?

it was supposed to be meant sorta sarcastically. I reread it now, and it doesn’t seem as sarcastic as last time i read it

I was referring to the fact that their really isn’t anybody who EXCLUSIVELY mains Seth. Maybe a lot of the people here DO main seth, and only seth. But for most people I know who play with him (myself included), he’s more of a dual main, and it would take something REALLY drastic (rather than “sorry we decided to keep his health/stun right where it is”) to make people drop him (as previous posters were stating)

You have terrible, terrible ideas.

Probably. I know next to nothing about SF really, I’m here to learn. Sorry if I don’t have all the frame data and exact usages of moves memorized, I’m just a below-average player who came here to try and learn from those who do and improve my game. Heaven forbid I have some misconceptions.

Give him raging demon, air fireballs, tiger knee, hundred hand slap and 1000 health.


In all seriousness, leave him alone, any tweaking is gonna seriously fuck him up. Most players can have a good scrap with him anyway. If the the only real reason that people have for changing him is ‘Zangief cannot beat him’ then there really is no debate, he shouldn’t be changed.

Maybe a slight increase in health but other than that I think he is pretty much fine as is.

more health or GTFO…that is all

I think it would cool if Seth’s 2nd ultra is one of the ultras (I’d pick the original ultra prior to whatever SSFIV will change) of his opponent.

It would feed into the whole “collecting data of other fighters” theme nicely.

Would it make Seth absolutely ridiculous? Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. But it would add a huge dimension to the fighting strategy.

this isn’t really an opinion but… I was just thinking about this. Is it logical to say that you could deduce new moves that would be added to seth by thinking this way; seth only gets the moves of people he could defeat… As in if you think about all the copied moves he has, he doesn’t have any moves of characters that we think could beat him with the exception of kens multi hit srk (that’s where I think he got it from anyway, debateable whether or not ken would beat seth). He has things like guiles sonic booms but not goukens, akumas, or ryus hadouken. He has a command throw like gief, wall jumps like vega/chun … Etc etc ( a lot of secondary characters, but no top tier characters like sagat, bison, ryu ) …
this might sound all over the place but I’m on my phone so its hard to explain. So seth would not get things like ryus specialty moves, akumas air fireballs, sagats moves, gens moves…

based on that. I think hell get something like a dive type kick like rufus or cammy, honda’s hhs, or some shit like that. Tell me what you think of my theory. Sorry if its been thougt of already. I don’t really look into seth.

Seth already has a dive kick. :coffee:

He has chun’s stomps and hyakuretsukyaku(sp? lolz), a dive kick like akuma, charlie’s sonic boom, dhalsim’s limbs, bison’s teleport, urien’s chariot tackle (and a good deal of his normals), a very similar to ryu’s, honda’s splash, and I know I’m missing a lot of stuff but…

I don’t like that theory very much. It seems silly.

also silly. his super and ultra are unique; i’d hate to see them to go to a cop-out like this.

Ultras are supposed to be cinematic…but I do agree. Gets old after awhile. Landed FOUR ultras on an Akuma yesterday. Shorten that up a bit.

And give Seth purple and black colors. :B