Seth’s ultra does less damage if hitting opponents at the peak range while they’re in the air. I would prefer they made it do full all the time. It already doesn’t hit that hard.

That’s because hitting people with Seth’s ultra isn’t exactly hard. The damage it does is fine, no reason to make it do more.

uhh, no. when the “glitch” happens you get like half damage from the ultra. i say “glitch” because it might have been intentional but it’s still dumb. it also happens sometimes when you juggle into it or push them through a sonic boom with it.

Make him suck for 3 or 4 jabs worth of health?


Noooo! Don’t harm Seth!

In other words. I like him as is.

LMAO, idk why this is so funny to me

anyways, ya man, its tough to say what he needs / doesn’t need

but im going to go out the limb and say he should get some more health
but the thought of having a jumping dahlism seth with more health makes cringe

very touchy subject indeed

Oh really? Never seen it. You think you would see people spam it like they do with cammy or rufus.

You’ll see why people don’t spam it if you try it. Im not sure how to describe why it isnt spammable. D+FK in the air.

It resembles Akumas divekick ( not demonflip) more then Rufus’s , so yeah not really spammable.Also I agree with the fix the ultra glitch if they hit a fireball during the animation , I mean ok it can hit full screen but with the glitch sometimes seths ultra takes 140 damage , and thats pathetic.

I avoid that “glitch” with FP fireball, by the time they jump over and get hit with the ultra the FP Sonic Boom has gone and they’ll get the full 22/21 hits.

There’s nothing i can think of id like for Seth, maybe less stun or more health.

Wow some of these suggestions for nerfing Seth are just ridiculous, if Capcom followed through with certain peoples’ ideas Dan would be a better character then Seth; that’s how much your ideas/suggestions would kill him.

Yeah really. Ryu is “perfectly balance” but Seth needs to be nerfed? Give me a fucking break.

I spam the fuck out of it. :smokin:

What would you all think if Capcom got rid of Seth’s stretchy arms, and they were replaced with an air teleport and he was given average health? What about Akuma level health?

Considering he can only dive kick from the top of a jump arc leads me to think he couldn’t do it out of an IAT, or any teleport not at his max height, so that’s my only concern for an air teleport being a OP factor.

Personally, I’d rather he had an air teleport over stretchy arms, because they come out so fast, and his jump speed is fast which makes running away as him easy as hell vs certain characters/players.

Seth has no footsie game, so he NEEDS stretchy arms for zoning. Taking away Seth’s stretchy arms is like making him a different character, even for an air teleport I don’t think it would be woth it.

I think most players would be fine with that. Seth is just that unlikable of a design.

My idea for Seth:

Make him Urien. Everyone’s happier.

i heard seth isnt in ssf4

that or someone really likes trolling keits irl



Air teleport is really lolz.

You can’t just abuse j.HP against anyone in the cast. If your opponent doesn’t suck or has any experience with seth, you have to be smart about it or you lose for free. That doesn’t mean you can’t use it, that just means that if you don’t vary your timing or bait with empty jumps you’re going to get punched in the fucking fist and it will hurt.

You mean most bad players. I picked Seth because I liked his design.

I wouldn’t be happier; neither would almost any Seth player and anyone who is an intelligent, repectful person. How would you like it if your main was removed? Urien cannot replace Seth, they play very differently and Urien is a charge character. I see nothing wrong with having Urien in the game if Capcom can successfully implement his play style, I just don’t think it should be instead of an original SFIV character.

Yes most people don’t main Seth like beasts and instead main him like humans which makes them infinately better at it because beasts don’t have thumbs.

Also I think that although Seth is fine as he is now he should get something a bit better (personaly I’d go for a little more health of stun) simply because the other characters would probably be getting buffed as well and we wouldn’t want him left behind.