I’d be really surprised if they removed a playable character. As in, dismayed and shocked.

Has any series lost characters from one iteration to the next?

I don’t see what’s so lolz about it. I suggest replacing one Sim aspect with another. And I know when using j.HP it shouldn’t be used predictably. It’s just one of the things that makes approaching him hard to do. So my recommendation was basically to make him more approachable, more like a regular character.

And Seth does have footsies. You know what you’re talking about, whoever said that?

King of Fighters :smiley:

Air teleport would be interesting to have and fun to use. That’s why it is lolz.

I think it’s silly to argue he should be “more approachable, more like a regular character”. Do you mean regular like dhalsim, regular like zangief, or regular like guile? Should he be approachable like Sagat? I’d be fine with that, I guess.

TBH, if you gave seth normal health but took away his fierce, then I think he would still be playable, even with his shitty normals, shitty projectile, and shitty damage.

What bugs me the most is how you’re willing to speak in favor of a major change to his gameplay when there’s been no good reason given to do so. Sagat zones better and Rufus rushes down better. This wouldn’t change if you eliminated Seth’s fierce punch.

I mean shit, if we don’t need a good reason to do it, why not take away abel’s f+mk and give him a projectile? Let’s give cammy a command throw and remove the ability to TK CS.

Sorry for being a smartass (kinda) but I’m very frustrated by the way this thread has been. There’s been very little intelligent discussion and shitloads of scrubtastic hate.

I’d like to avoid too much more of that. So let’s move on from here: we have already agreed that Seth can’t just throw his stretchy arms out for free damage. Therefore I’m pretty sure all it is, is a decent zoning tool. Why then must it be removed?

Is this the only “Improvements” thread you’ve been in? It’s like that in all of them

People just come in and yell “I WANT THIS MOVE!” but don’t say what it should do or why the character needs it.

Or they say “NERF THIS CUZ I LOSE TO IT!” and don’t give any valid reason to why that nerf needs to exist or what will be buffed in its place. I know you’re suppose to take a lot of things with a grain of salt, but I hope the poor sap from Capcom who gets stuck reading this has a whole damn case of Morton’s with him…

To be on topic…
I think Seth is alright overall. I can’t really think of anything to do for him. Seems like he’s just about right how he is now. He doesn’t dominate (unless your name is Gief), but he certainly doesn’t get owned for free.

No it’s not the only one I’ve read or continue to read, but I’ve spent a few hundred hours with the character so this stuff kind of hits me more than the :crybaby: in the Ryu thread does.

I must hate myself to keep reading them but I feel like in case there is someone on capcom’s end looking at this shit and making the mistake of thinking these people know what they’re talking about, I should speak up.

Exactly. No Seth player in this thread has complained about any of his matchups. Well, that’s not entirely true. I hate fighting 'gief because it’s really no fun for either player. But then that’s true for most of that gief’s matchups.

Seth needs no health increase at all. That’s the trade off for arguably the best tool set in the game.

Personally, I don’t think he needs any nerfs or buffs at all. He’s a character that’s fun to play, boring to fight against, and is balanced in a horrible way, but it works. His tools and combos are amazing, to balance he got a glass jaw and punches that tickle.

I’ve seen things like “give him more HP”, but just like there’s not much justification for taking anything out (aside from the generalized “remove it cause I lose to it” that people accuse others of in here), I’m not seeing any justification for buffing him either (other than “because I lose in like 4 hits”).

It’s just the way the character is.

Seth is fine how he is, he just needs to be made unselectable hahahaha

they should make his alt a suit and leave his original costume the same except give him a giant horse cock that swings around

Take away j.HP and give him j.HPenis. :shy:

Like i said before, if they change anything it ought to be increasing his life in exchange for changing his hitboxes so that they are no longer godly.

Then he’d be easier to hit, and the people playing him wouldn’t feel like they lose if they make one mistake

wtf? godly hitboxes? lol

Godly hitboxes? What are you talking about?

Then why would they show him in the trailer…?

Godly hit boxes? Play as Rog for half an hour against Seth and you’ll see how shitty a lot of his hit boxes are and why in that match running like a bizzle is likely one’s best option. jumping fierce gets AAd quite easily, standing fierce is punishable on block by a lot of characters, jump roundhouse as cross up lets some weird AA’s hit him. Over all his moves aren’t particularly awful or awesome.

If we wanted his normals to have godly hit boxes he’d get…

Balrog or Akuma’s sweep.
WW Guile’s jabs.
Balrog’s crouch jab.
Shoto low forward.

Speaking of which though, are there any new non OP normals he should get?

Sorry. I didn’t have time to elaborate. I brought up air teleport because it’d be a tool obtained from Dhalsim, and I don’t feel it’d be right for him to take so many Dhalsim essentials away from Dhalsim. So I just thought of trading one for the other. Imagine if he did have J.HP, S.HP, great jump speed, and an air teleport. That seems to be borderline breaking factor. Especially if he could IAT tick into SPD. :wow:

Also his jumping stretchy arms aren’t that great. they only hit me when I try to beat, avoid, or trade with them as Rose. otherwise I’m block city. :china:

I’m not a Seth hater. We share the name, and he’s fun to play. I hope I cleared up the confusion with that. However I wonder what his nj.HP/jb.HP/s.HP would be if not stretchy arms. like who has the 2nd best HP to Dhalsim to make it seem like it’s something Seth would want to use?

Anybody know where Seth’s jf.HP came from? I can’t think of who punches like that in the air. Makes me think Capcom could just make all his HP original if they do give him air teleport.

Now that I think about it, it might be best to keep Seth as is. If he were to have air teleport along with that, then I think the compromise of HP limb shortening would have to be made at least.

Leave as is?


I don’t even want air TP. It would be cool but it’s quite unnecessary. =-P

@metro- I think his foward jump FP is taken from Urien.

oh lawd, I spit my ice cream out in laughter

Does he not have the best jumpins in the game? Everyone else in the game is far far easier to anti-air than he is(aside from when i’m using airthrow) and that really makes sense since he can’t take many hits…right?

Justn thought that ought to be changed a little is all, if anything is to be done