His jump ins are fairly good, but I think that Rog and Chun are superior on that front. All your default anti airs should work against his moves other than stomp which needs special spacing to not be as easily smackable.

Give Seth the T Hawk dive and Dee Jays uppkicks that can juggle after a light shoryuken


FADC legs on block and shorten the whole tv stomach thing.

replace tv stomach thing with a different ultra. make ex boom an aegis reflector like thing.

well, whatever the complaints are . . . we all have heard he’ll be more frustrating to beat. LoLz, that means he’s getting a major buff??? Holy shit . . . I already have a pretty hard time with him playing AS Gief . . . so he’ll be harder to beat in arcade mode?? Damn hope Gief gets some good buffs then cuz Seth’s is his worse match up in the game.

whenever the devs talk about seth it’s safe to assume they mean arcade mode unless they specify “as a playable character” or some such

The reason for that is the angle of the jump and the speed at which it comes at you. Despite that, he’s actually pretty easy to hit if you’re on point about it. Even if you trade, it’s so heavily stacked in your favor it’s unreal.

seth is fine the way he is(maybe more stamina and stun)…it sucks getting wrecked in 2 combos…put his hp and stun same as akuma.

i wonder what his second ultra would be.

Meh, in my experience both are far easier to anti-air, and i also see far less professional matchups where either of those two jump around half as often as seth. Ofcourse i’m speaking of his off the wall jump most often

I am guessing:
a) something similar to Dans Ultra (big combo that really only hits whats right in front of him)
b) raging demon type move
c) SUPER lightning legs

I’m guessing it would be a super lightning legs

that would be awesome to fadc qcb,qcb KKK into ragequit

would it be to much if you could do stomps in the corner to reset shenanigans?


I don’t want his new ultra to involve stolen moves unless he like, mashes 10 together for an awesome looking combo.

Another original idea with his tandem engine is what I hope for. Some high damaging, high risk move instead of the ultra safe low damage option of tandem stream.

He should just get Spiral’s super. That would work out. :smiley: One move from every fighter at crazy low damage each. >.>

I mentioned that a long time ago. I always loved Spirals super, and thought it could fit Seth well.

That was essentially my Dan style ultra (and considering how Juri has that timer by her ultra, maybe Seth will have an ultra that requires activation, then you grabbing your opponent)

I would proably actually kill a man for Gills angel super from SFIII…

I am guessing a full-screen ultra, similar to Zero from KOF
long startup, no invincibility

As a Seth player, I can tell he’s fine the way he is. Giving him more health would make him a little bit OP. And please DO NOT remove the j.HP, it’s probably the best tool of his moveset and without it he would turn into a punching ball.

Maybe a better Super because well, I’m tired of failing it because of his start up or some random LP.

His super is good enough, you can use it in traps like Ryu’s super. It sucks them across the full screen pretty much if you use the fierce version.

I think he needs a slight slight slight buff.

Maybe give him some better footsies?

armor on ex legs

For better footsies how about crouch roundhouse goes to the dictator slide so his mid screen high low game becomes more existent, and for real footsies a slightly faster crouch strong with better hit boxes wouldn’t be so bad. I’d say crouch forward, but Shotos already corner the market on that.