Seth sucks
Seth was my main from the game release and until a month ago. I realized that he sucks. I switched to Dictator.

Bison got:

  • Speed
  • Strength
  • Best normals in the game, you can spam hes heavy kick and have a safe recovory

Seth got:

  • Horrible speed
  • Weak
  • Worst normals in the game

To improve seth, is not to make him faster or more stamina, its to give him better normals, simlar to Dictator. And a move simlar to Rys forward-mp

What does everyone think about these ideas?

The best way to beat Seth is to be all over him, attack him all the time and he cant do nothing! Why? Becuse everything he does have shit long recovory. Sonic Boom have a ridiculus long recovory to.

Wow, what a terrible comparison.

Seth has GREAT normals. Sure cHP is a little TOO slow (only useful after sucking you in), and jHP can be stopped if you know how (still annoying though).

The only normal that could use a boost would be his cMK could have better range.

He NEEDS a slight health boost. NOBODY should lose a round in 2 combos, without meter.

Well, I think Seth really need a new fast-good recovory heavy kick

this is ludicrous…

Why? I mean every charge character got exelent normals. I think seth should have normals like them to.

The only way Seth damage someone is by doing tricks and not normals. And it wont work on good players. The will block everything you do.

Even SPD? :wgrin:

Really, man, really?

I don’t think he knows how to do an SPD without jumping. :wonder:

Make him Urien.

i think hes great now but the only thing i would like is slightly more health, my execution isnt perfect so when i mess up i get 60% life taking away in one combo

SPD work like one or to time, the rest of the times it wont work. And its weak to.

I love catching people with SPD when they’re waking up.

that work on noobs

SPD do not work on noobs, even against good players. you can drop your block string and go for SPD, EX if you think they will mash jabs ( balrog ). You are under estimating SPD, or you are looking at it as a stand alone move. for seth SPD is god send, its useful after corner combo ( stomps ), when you are doing long combo, drop it and going for SPD, block string, bla bla. but it has crappy range and damage for command throw <_<…

anyways seth needs some normals which helps keep some preasure, other than that i guess SLIGHT health increase wont hurt ( make him 800 please!!! )

oh the new ultra should be… i dunno just give him some new cool looking move!!

SPD is a very unsafe part of mix up, it’s a great tool if used in moderation especially EX as a replacement for teching throws that could continue as frame traps instead.

everything in seth’s mixup is unsafe. you just make them feel like it’s safe.

spd is really really good. lp has really good range. it’s less than gief but oh well. the damage is low but you play as seth. c’mon. it sets up a really good ambiguous crossup and it beats tick throws, delay tech, and crouch option select.

ok so I got some exelent ideas about how to use piledriver. I try tomorrow. It maybie isnt that bad move?

Still he need new normals!

seth is the best character in the game imo with one of the best ultras. i think he should stay the same in terms of a playable character, just give him a new move and some new normals and he’ll be fine, he’s already brutal as is. His health isn’t an issue if you’re playing him right. The amount of stun seth does and his getaway game is what balances out his health which I think is pretty much perfect.

What I want for Seth:

[] xx cr.lp -> xx Sonic Boom to combo. Seth has shitty frame traps as-is. At least let him get both a normal and a projectile if they hold up. This would also give him an easier super combo that wouldn’t even do that much damage.
] -> link to work on crouching opponents
[]One more frame on the -> link
]Make xx Sonic Boom combo a tiny bit better in terms of how far you can be for the boom to combo.
[]I want more active frames on Hyakuretsu, but I understand if that’s not possible. It’s just that Seth doesn’t have a good answer for focus at far range besides super or ultra, and his armor breaker is backdashable. I also want EX Hyakuretsu to be invincible up through the active frames so that you can’t get counter-hit out of it or trade for a whopping 5 damage. That shit’s just stupid. One person suggested giving it super armor instead of invincibility, and I liked that idea a lot because that would counteract not getting the ‘trade’ anymore.
]Fix the Akuma glitch.
[*]Leave everything else the way it is. His normals are fine, his specials are fine, his health is fine, his ultra does shit damage if you do the sonic boom setup. I would actually be willing to lower his health and stun even moreso if that mean I could get upped damage. But please don’t take away my stretchy arms. :sad: I need them because my normals suck for footsies.