the akuma glitch is awesome. why would you want that fixed? :arazz:

Because I don’t want to be perceived as just looking for a buff for Seth, and he doesn’t need the glitch.

but it’s fuuuuuun

Kikuichimonji has some excellent ideas. I agree with everything said, but still can’t help wishing for slightly more health… Also I wish all links were easier i.e. more frames to link them ( I drop too many links online). Maybe just make them chain together for instant dial a combos, lol.

  1. More health. Not much, he’s got good combos, mixups, a hard to guess game. Though you make one mistake and YOU DO die. It’s OTT.

2)Possibly max EX Engine useful.

Yes, his ultra’s weak as. Counters the fact it is full screen and can catch a lot of whiffs.

He’s basically a clean character. Just don’t take away what little he does have.

Seth should not get more health. I’m serious. Not even 50 more.

He has a shit load of tools and it’s really hard to get a hit on him, hence why he gets such little health.

I think he’s great the way he is.

looks like seth is getting worse moveset:

Seth’s unmatched power :rofl:

Unless they’re talking about single player, though. They’ve done this before, i.e not clarifying whether they’re talking single or multi.

He needs the Dr Manhattan symbol on his forefront.
And nipples.

people like you kill this forum. Your spam is not wanted okey? SHUT DA FUCK UP

What is this Akuma glitch you speak of?


Ok, the dr manhattan part was a bit of a joke.

But the nipples part was not so! Look:

Abel is supposed to be an “imperfect copy of Seth”, according to the plotline. But Abel has nipples (seen on his alternative costume). Wich makes me think that Seth should.

In addition, Seth is a robot/nanobeing. Why does it have a nose then? To breathe air to his inexisting lungs? If they put a nose on him, they should have put the nipples, too. Coming to think of it, his whole pectoral system doesn’t look very well designed. I wonder if that’s why Abel does more damage with his arms.

If Akuma does an EX air fireball high in the air and you do EX legs through it, you’ll begin the multi-hit part of the legs but then get hit out of it, but the animation will keep going. Then you can combo into anything.

They also need to make Seth’s cr.hp xx lp shoryu -> juggle more consistent. It whiffs on random characters for stupid-ass reasons, like how you combo’d into it.

I didn’t even know that. That’s so ridiculous. :rofl:

On another consistancy note, Seth’s crossup j.rh -> cr.hp -> j.strong -> l/m/h/EX shoryu x3 should be able to connect.
If I j.rh then attempt it, the j.strong will connect, unless the cr.hp was too far away. I have no issue with that, but if you crossup instead, the j.strong will not hit. There’s no reason for that, and no matter how close you are after the crossup it won’t work. xx cr.lp -> xx Sonic Boom would be broken.

Imagine using fadc to go into another one ending with legs, it will do shity damage, but will almost certainly stun.

He doesn’t need another combo for his super. Well if it does do sucky damage we wouldn’t use it anyway.

The buffs for, should happen.

Seth can stretch for FA’s at long range. I want less recovery for this, its too risky right now. They could reduce its range but leave jumping stretch alone!!

I like the super armor idea but it’d have to have longer range than it does now.

I want more range for close s.hp and for his shouryuken to be more comboable.

Damage scaling makes this a silly argument.

Stun scales as well as damage. In all likelihood the combo DDD fears wouldn’t stun anyone except perhaps another Seth.

^ so xx cr.lp -> xx Sonic Boom xx FADC xx cr.lp -> xx Sonic Boom FADC xx cr.lp ->
xx legs -> Headstomps divekick reset is a good idea!?

Even it if it does 300 damage at most.

For a full bar? Sure.

You are so gonna try that out next time we play and make me break my stick again, aren’t you…